1 pave the way (for something/someone)
pave the way (for something/someone)de weg banen/effenen (voor iets/iemand)English-Dutch dictionary > pave the way (for something/someone)
2 to pave the way for somebody/something
to pave the way for somebody/somethingpreparar el terreno para alguien/algoEnglish-spanish dictionary > to pave the way for somebody/something
3 pave
4 pave
peiv(to cover (a street, path etc) with (usually large) flat stones, concrete etc to make a flat surface for walking on etc: He wants to pave the garden.) pavimentar; empedrar, adoquinar (con piedras)- pavement- paving-stone
tr[peɪv]1 (with concrete - road) pavimentar; (with flagstones) enlosar; (with stones) empredrar, adoquinar; (with bricks) enladrillar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto pave the way for somebody/something preparar el terreno para alguien/algoto pave with stones: empedrarv.• adoquinar v.• baldosar v.• empedrar v.• enlosar v.• pavimentar v.peɪvtransitive verb ( with concrete) pavimentar; ( with flagstones) enlosar; ( with stones) empedrar*, adoquinar[peɪv]VT (gen) pavimentar; (with flagstones) enlosar; (with stones) adoquinar, empedrar; (with bricks) enladrillar- pave the way for sth/sb* * *[peɪv]transitive verb ( with concrete) pavimentar; ( with flagstones) enlosar; ( with stones) empedrar*, adoquinar -
5 way
adv. hoe dan ook; op grote wijze--------n. weg; manier, wijze; kant; richting; afstandway1[ wee]4 richting5 opzicht♦voorbeelden:that's the way (it is/goes) • zo gaat het nu eenmaallose the/one's way • verdwalen, de weg kwijtraken〈 figuurlijk〉 pave the way (for something/someone) • de weg banen/effenen (voor iets/iemand)〈 figuurlijk〉 pay one's way • geen schulden maken, zonder verlies werkenpay one's way through college • zelf zijn universiteitsstudie (kunnen) betalenwork one's way through college • werkstudent zijnway home • thuisreisway in • ingangbetter weather is on the way • er is beter weer op komstwe're on our/the way • we komen eraan, we zijn onderwegout of the way • ver weg, afgelegenout of one's way • niet op de routeway of thinking • denkwijzeto her way of thinking • naar haar mening, volgens haarfall into evil/bad ways • slechte gewoontes krijgengo the right/wrong way about something • iets op de juiste/verkeerde wijze aanpakkendo something a certain way • iets op een bepaalde manier doen〈 figuurlijk〉 find a way • een manier vinden, er raad op wetenhave a way of doing something • er een handje van hebben iets te doenmend one's ways • zijn leven beterenset in one's ways • met vast(geroest)e gewoontesone way and another • alles bij elkaar (genomen)one way or another/the other • op de een of andere manierin its way • in zijn soortin this way • op deze manier, zoit's only his way • zo is hij nu eenmaalthere are no two ways about it • er is geen twijfel (over) mogelijkstep this way, please • hierheen, graagthe other way around/about • andersomin no way • helemaal nietno way better • in geen enkel opzicht beterin more ways than one • in meerdere opzichten6 a long way away/off • een heel eind weg, ver wegyour birthday is still a long way off • je bent nog lang niet jarigall the way • helemaal, tot het (bittere) eindego all the way • het echt doen, met iemand neukenways and means • geldmiddelenhave ways and means of getting something • de juiste wegen weten om iets (gedaan) te krijgenthat's the way of the world • zo gaat het nu eenmaal (in de wereld)cut both ways • goede en slechte gevolgen hebbenget one's (own) way, have (it) one's (own) way • zijn zin krijgen, doen wat men wilgo out of one's/the way to … • zijn (uiterste) best doen om …have a way with elderly people • met ouderen om weten te gaanyou can't have it both ways • óf het een óf het andersee one's way (clear) to doing something • zijn kans schoon zien om iets te doenwind one's way into someone's affections • bij iemand in de gunst proberen te komenby the way • terloops, trouwens, à proposthey had done nothing out of the way • zij hadden niets bijzonders/extreems/verkeerds gedaanany way • in ieder geval, hoe dan ookeither way • hoe dan ook〈Amerikaans-Engels; informeel〉 every which way • overal, in alle hoeken en gaten〈Amerikaans-Engels; informeel〉 no way! • geen sprake van!1 (voort)gang ⇒ snelheid, vaart♦voorbeelden:gather/lose way • vaart krijgen/minderen 〈 van schip〉negotiations are well under way • onderhandelingen zijn in volle ganggive way • toegeven, meegeven 〈 ook figuurlijk〉; wijken, voorrang geven; doorzakken, bezwijkengive way to • toegeven aan, wijken voormake way for • plaats/ruimte maken voorput someone in the way of something • iemand op weg helpen (met iets), iemand aan iets helpenstand in the way • in de weg staanget something out of the way • iets uit de weg ruimen, iets afhandelenput someone out of the way • iemand uit de weg ruimenmake one's (own) way (in life/the world) • in de wereld vooruitkomenhe's by way of being a musician • hij is om zo te zeggen een muzikantby way of Brighton • via Brightonby way of illustration/example • als illustratie/voorbeeld♦voorbeelden:————————way2〈 bijwoord〉1 ver ⇒ lang, een eind♦voorbeelden:1 way back • ver terug, (al) lang geleden〈 Amerikaans-Engels〉 someone from way back • iemand uit een afgelegen gebied/ver verleden -
6 pave
transitive verb* * *[peiv](to cover (a street, path etc) with (usually large) flat stones, concrete etc to make a flat surface for walking on etc: He wants to pave the garden.) pflastern- academic.ru/54026/pavement">pavement- paving-stone* * *[peɪv]vt usu passive1. (cover)the streets are \paved with gold das Geld liegt auf der Straße2.* * *[peɪv]vtbefestigen ( in, with mit); road, path (with stones also) pflastern; floor (with tiles) fliesen, mit Fliesen auslegen; (with slabs) mit Platten auslegenwhere the streets are paved with gold — wo die Straßen mit Gold gepflastert sind, wo das Geld auf der Straße liegt
the path to hell is paved with good intentions (prov) — der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert
* * *pave the way for fig den Weg ebnen für, anbahnen;paved runway FLUG befestigte Start- und Landebahn;the way to Hell is paved with good intentions (Sprichwort) der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert* * *transitive verbpave the way for or to something — (fig.) einer Sache (Dat.) den Weg ebnen
* * *v.pflastern v. -
7 way
1. noun1) (road etc., lit. or fig.) Weg, deracross or over the way — gegenüber
2) (route) Weg, derask the way to... — fragen od. sich erkundigen, wo es nach... geht
pick one's way — sich (Dat.) einen Weg suchen
lead the way — vorausgehen; (fig.): (show how to do something) es vormachen
find a way out — (fig.) einen Ausweg finden
I'll take the letter to the post office - it's on my way — ich bringe den Brief zur Post - sie liegt auf meinem Weg
‘Way In/Out’ — "Ein-/Ausgang"
go to Italy by way of Switzerland — über die Schweiz nach Italien fahren
there's no way out — (fig.) es gibt keinen Ausweg
the way back/down/up — der Weg zurück/nach unten/nach oben
go one's own way/their separate ways — (fig.) eigene/getrennte Wege gehen
be going somebody's way — (coll.) denselben Weg wie jemand haben
things are really going my way at the moment — (fig.) im Moment läuft [bei mir] alles so, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
money came his way — er kam zu Geld
go out of one's way to collect something for somebody — einen Umweg machen, um etwas für jemanden abzuholen
go out of one's way to be helpful — sich (Dat.) besondere Mühe geben, hilfsbereit zu sein
3) (method) Art und Weise, diethere is a right way and a wrong way of doing it — es gibt einen richtigen und einen falschen Weg, es zu tun
that is not the way to do it — so macht man das nicht
do it this way — mach es so
do it my way — mach es wie ich
that's no way to speak to a lady — so spricht man nicht mit einer Dame
he has a strange way of talking — er hat eine seltsame Sprechweise od. Art zu sprechen
from or by the way [that] she looked at me, I knew that there was something wrong — an ihrem Blick konnte ich erkennen, dass etwas nicht stimmte
find a or some way of doing something — einen Weg finden, etwas zu tun
there are no two ways about it — da gibt es gar keinen Zweifel
Are you going to give me that money? - No way! — (coll.) Gibst du mir das Geld? - Nichts da! (ugs.)
no way is he coming with us — es kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage, dass er mit uns kommt
ways and means [to do something or of doing something] — Mittel und Wege, etwas zu tun
be built or made that way — (fig. coll.) so gestrickt sein (fig. ugs.)
be that way — (coll.) so sein
4) (desired course of action) Wille, derget or have one's [own] way, have it one's [own] way — seinen Willen kriegen
all right, have it your own way[, then]! — na gut od. schön, du sollst deinen Willen haben!
a little way — ein kleines Stück[chen]; (fig.) ein klein[es] bisschen
it's a long way off or a long way from here — es ist ein ganzes Stück von hier aus; es ist weit weg von hier
the summer holidays are only a little way away — bis zu den Sommerferien ist es nicht mehr lange
there's [still] some way to go yet — es ist noch ein ganzes Stück; (fig.) es dauert noch ein Weilchen
I went a little/a long/some way to meet him — ich bin ihm ein kleines/ganzes/ziemliches Stück entgegengegangen/-gefahren usw., um mich mit ihm zu treffen; (fig.) ich bin ihm etwas/sehr/ziemlich entgegengekommen
have gone/come a long way — (fig.) es weit gebracht haben
go a long way toward something/doing something — viel zu etwas beitragen/viel dazu beitragen, etwas zu tun
a little kindness goes a long way — ein bisschen Freundlichkeit ist viel wert od. hilft viel
go all the way [with somebody] — (fig.) [jemandem] in jeder Hinsicht zustimmen; (coll.): (have full sexual intercourse) es [mit jemandem] richtig machen (salopp)
6) (room for progress) Weg, derleave the way open for something — (fig.) etwas möglich machen
clear the way [for something] — (lit. or fig.) [einer Sache (Dat.)] den Weg freimachen
be in somebody's or the way — [jemandem] im Weg sein
get in somebody's way — (lit. or fig.) jemandem im Wege stehen
put difficulties/obstacles in somebody's way — (fig.) jemandem Schwierigkeiten bereiten/Hindernisse in den Weg legen
make way for something — für etwas Platz schaffen od. (fig.) machen
[get] out of the/my way! — [geh] aus dem Weg!
get something out of the way — (settle something) etwas erledigen
7) (journey)on his way to the office/London — auf dem Weg ins Büro/nach London
on the way out to Singapore — auf dem Hinweg/der Hinfahrt/dem Hinflug nach Singapur
on the way back from Nigeria — auf dem Rückweg/der Rückfahrt/dem Rückflug von Nigeria
she is just on the or her way in/out — sie kommt/geht gerade
be on the way out — (fig. coll.) (be losing popularity) passee sein (ugs.); (be reaching end of life) [Hund, Auto, Person:] es nicht mehr lange machen (ugs.)
[be] on your way! — nun geh schon!
all this is by the way — das alles nur nebenbei
8) (specific direction) Richtung, dieshe went this/that/the other way — sie ist in diese/die/die andere Richtung gegangen
look this way, please — sieh/seht bitte hierher!
I will call next time I'm [down] your way — wenn ich das nächste Mal in deiner Gegend bin, komme ich [bei dir] vorbei
look the other way — (lit. or fig.) weggucken
the other way about or round — andersherum
this/which way round — so/wie herum
stand something the right/wrong way up — etwas richtig/falsch herum stellen
‘this way up’ — "hier oben"
9) (advance) Weg, derfight/push etc. one's way through — sich durchkämpfen/-drängen
be under way — [Person:] aufgebrochen sein; [Fahrzeug:] abgefahren sein; (fig.): (be in progress) [Besprechung, Verhandlung, Tagung:] im Gange sein
get something under way — (fig.) etwas in Gang bringen
make one's way to Oxford/the station — nach Oxford/zum Bahnhof gehen/fahren
Do you need a lift? - No, I'll make my own way — Soll ich dich mitnehmen? - Nein, ich komme alleine
make one's [own] way in the world — seinen Weg gehen (fig.)
make or pay its way — ohne Verlust arbeiten
10) (respect) Hinsicht, diein [exactly] the same way — [ganz] genauso
in more ways than one — auf mehr als eine Art
in no way — auf keinen Fall; durchaus nicht
11) (state) Verfassung, dieby way of illustration / greeting / apology / introduction — zur Illustration / Begrüßung / Entschuldigung/Einführung
12) (custom) Art, dieget into/out of the way of doing something — sich (Dat.) etwas an-/abgewöhnen
he has a way of leaving his bills unpaid — es ist so seine Art, seine Rechnungen nicht zu bezahlen
in its way — auf seine/ihre Art
way of life — Lebensstil, der
way of thinking — Denkungsart, die
13) (normal course of events)be the way — so od. üblich sein
14) (ability to charm somebody or attain one's object)she has a way with children/animals — sie kann mit Kindern/Tieren gut umgehen
15) (specific manner) Eigenart, diefall into bad ways — schlechte [An]gewohnheiten annehmen
16) (ordinary course) Rahmen, der2. adverbway off/ahead/above — weit weg von/weit voraus/weit über
way back — (coll.) vor langer Zeit
way back in the early fifties/before the war — vor langer Zeit, Anfang der fünfziger Jahre/vor dem Krieg
he was way out with his guess, his guess was way out — er lag mit seiner Schätzung gewaltig daneben
way down south/in the valley — tief [unten] im Süden/Tal
* * *[wei] 1. noun1) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) der Weg2) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) der Weg3) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) der Weg4) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) der Weg5) (a method or manner: What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He's got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.) die Art und Weise6) (an aspect or side of something: In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.) die Hinsicht7) (a characteristic of behaviour; a habit: He has some rather unpleasant ways.) die Eigenart8) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.) der Weg2. adverb((especially American) by a long distance or time; far: The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It's way past your bedtime.) weit- academic.ru/81440/wayfarer">wayfarer- wayside
- be/get on one's way
- by the way
- fall by the wayside
- get/have one's own way
- get into / out of the way of doing something
- get into / out of the way of something
- go out of one's way
- have a way with
- have it one's own way
- in a bad way
- in
- out of the/someone's way
- lose one's way
- make one's way
- make way for
- make way
- under way
- way of life
- ways and means* * *[weɪ]I. NOUNthe W\way of the Cross der Kreuzwegone-\way street Einbahnstraße fexcuse me, which \way is the train station? Entschuldigung, wie geht es hier zum Bahnhof?could you tell me the \way to the post office, please? könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zur Post komme?there's no \way through the centre of town in a vehicle das Stadtzentrum ist für Autos gesperrtwill you get some bread on your \way home? kannst du auf dem Heimweg [etwas] Brot mitbringen?oh, I must be on my \way oh, ich muss mich auf den Weg machen!on the \way in/out... beim Hineingehen/Hinausgehen...on the \way back from India,... auf dem Rückweg/Rückflug von Indien...sorry, I'm on my \way out tut mir leid, ich bin gerade am Gehenwe stopped on the \way to ask for directions wir hielten unterwegs, um nach dem Weg zu fragen“\way In/Out” „Eingang/Ausgang“we have to go by \way of Copenhagen wir müssen über Kopenhagen fahrento ask the \way [to the airport/station] nach dem Weg [zum Flughafen/Bahnhof] fragento be on the \way letter, baby unterwegs seinto be on the [or one's] \way [to sth] auf dem Weg [o unterwegs] [zu etw dat] seinno problem, it's on my \way kein Problem, das liegt auf meinem Wegto be out of the \way abgelegen seinto be out of sb's \way für jdn ein Umweg seinwe stopped to have lunch but within half an hour we were under \way again wir machten eine Mittagspause, waren aber nach einer halben Stunde bereits wieder unterwegsto find one's \way home nach Hause findenhow did my ring find its \way into your pockets? wie kommt denn mein Ring in deine Taschen?to get under \way in Gang kommento give \way einem anderen Fahrzeug die Vorfahrt gebenremember to give \way vergiss nicht, auf die Vorfahrt zu achten!on roundabouts, you have to give \way to cars already on the roundabout im Kreisverkehr haben die Autos Vorfahrt, die sich bereits im Kreisverkehr befinden“give \way” BRIT „Vorfahrt [beachten]“to go on one's \way sich akk auf den Weg machento go out of one's \way to do sth einen Umweg machen, um etw zu tun; ( fig) sich akk bei etw dat besondere Mühe gebenplease don't go out of your \way! bitte machen Sie sich doch keine Umstände!to go one's own \way ( fig) seinen eigenen Weg gehento go one's own sweet \way ( fig) rücksichtslos seinen eigenen Weg verfolgento go separate \ways getrennte Wege gehento lead the \way vorausgehen; ( fig)the research group is leading the \way in developing new types of computer memory die Forschungsgruppe ist führend in der Entwicklung neuartiger Computerspeicherto lose one's \way sich akk verirrento make one's own \way to sth alleine irgendwohin kommenwe should make our \way home wir sollten uns auf den Heimweg machento make one's \way in the world seinen Weg gehento show sb the \way jdm den Weg zeigencan you show me the \way out, please? können Sie mir bitte zeigen, wo es hier zum Ausgang geht?to be [well] on the \way to doing sth auf dem besten Weg[e] sein, etw zu tunI'm well on the \way to completing the report! der Bericht ist so gut wie fertig! famshe's well on her \way of becoming an alcoholic sie ist auf dem besten Weg[e], Alkoholikerin zu werden▪ to be on the \way in [or up] /out im Kommen/am Verschwinden seinkeep going straight and after a \ways, you'll see the house fahr immer geradeaus und nach ein paar Metern siehst du dann das Hausall the \way den ganzen Wegshe stayed with him in the ambulance all the \way to the hospital sie blieb während der ganzen Fahrt bis zum Krankenhaus bei ihm im Krankenwagen; ( fig)I agree with you all the \way ich stimme dir voll und ganz zu; ( fig)I'll take my complaint all the \way to the managing director if I have to wenn ich muss, gehe ich mit meiner Beschwerde noch bis zum Generaldirektor; ( fig)I'll support you all the \way du hast meine volle Unterstützunga long \way weita long \way back vor langer ZeitChristmas is just a short \way off bis Weihnachten ist es nicht mehr lange hinto go a long \way ( fig) lange reichento have a [long] \way to go einen [weiten] Weg vor sich dat habento have come a long \way ( fig) es weit gebracht habenhe's still a long \way off perfection er ist noch weit davon entfernt, perfekt zu seina little kindness goes a long \way wenn man ein bisschen freundlich ist, hilft das doch gleich viel[not] by long \way ( fig) bei Weitem [nicht]which \way up should this box be? wie herum soll die Kiste stehen?“this \way up” „hier oben“this \way round so herumno, it's the other \way round! nein, es ist gerade andersherum!to be the wrong \way up auf dem Kopf stehenwhich \way are you going? in welche Richtung gehst du?this \way, please! hier entlang bitte!look this \way, please bitte hierher schauen; ( fam)they live out Manchester \way sie wohnen draußen bei ManchesterI really didn't know which \way to look ich wusste wirklich nicht mehr, wo ich hinschauen sollteafter applying for a job, many offers came her \way nachdem sie sich beworben hatte, bekam sie viele AngeboteI'd take any job that comes my \way ich würde jeden Job nehmen, der sich mir bietetall of a sudden, money came her \way plötzlich kam sie zu Geldwhen something like this comes your \way... wenn dir so etwas passiert,...when a girl like this comes your \way... wenn dir so ein Mädchen über den Weg läuft,... famto go this/that \way hier/da entlanggehento go the other \way in die andere Richtung gehendown my \way bei mir in der Nähedown your \way in deiner GegendI liked the \way he asked for a date mir gefiel [die Art und Weise], wie er um ein Rendezvous batI don't like the \way he looks at me ich mag es nicht, wie er mich anschautit's terrifying the \way prices have gone up in the last few months es ist beängstigend, wie die Preise in den letzten Monaten gestiegen sindthat's just the \way it is so ist das nun einmalthe \way things are going... so wie sich die Dinge entwickeln...trust me, it's better that \way glaub mir, es ist besser so!I did it my \way ich habe es gemacht, [so] wie ich es für richtig hieltdo it my \way mach es wie ichthis is definitely not the \way to do it so macht man das auf gar keinen Fall!he looked at me in a sinister \way er sah mich finster anshe's got a funny \way of asking for help sie hat eine komische Art, einen um Hilfe zu bittenhe's got a very strange \way of behaving er benimmt sich schon ziemlich seltsam famyou could tell by the \way he looked man konnte es schon an seinem Blick erkennenthat's no \way to speak to your boss! so redet man nicht mit seinem Vorgesetzten!the \way he looked at me... so wie er mich angeschaut hat...the \way we were wie wir einmal warenit's always the \way! [or isn't it always the \way!] es ist doch echt immer dasselbe! famI wouldn't have it any other \way ich würde es nicht anders haben wollenwhat a \way to talk! so etwas sagt man nicht!what a \way to behave! so benimmt man sich nicht!just leave it the \way it is, will you lass einfach alles so, wie es ist, ja?to see the error of one's \ways seine Fehler einsehento be in the family \way in anderen Umständen sein euph\way of life Lebensweise f\way of thinking Denkweise fto sb's \way of thinking jds Meinung nachthis \way socome on, do it this \way! komm, mach es so! famthat \way, I'll save a lot of money auf diese [Art und] Weise spare ich viel Geldlooking at it in that \way, I was lucky after all so gesehen hatte ich sogar noch Glückin a big \way im großen Stilin a small \way im kleinen Rahmenhe started off in a small \way er fing klein anone \way or another so oder soone \way or another, we've got to... so oder so, irgendwie müssen wir...either \way so oder sono \way auf keinen Fallthere's no \way to get me on this ship keine zehn Pferde kriegen mich auf dieses Schiff! famthere's no \way I'll give in ich gebe auf gar keinen Fall nach!no \way! ausgeschlossen!, kommt nicht in die Tüte! famto show sb the \way to do sth jdm zeigen, wie etw gehtin a \way in gewisser Weisein every [possible]\way in jeder Hinsichtin many/some \ways in vielerlei/gewisser Hinsichtin more \ways than one in mehr als nur einer Hinsichtin no \way in keinster Weisein which \ways does a zebra resemble a horse? worin ähnelt ein Zebra einem Pferd?not in any \way in keiner Weiseto be in sb's \way jdm im Weg sein a. figto block the way den Weg versperrenmay nothing stand in the \way of your future happiness together! möge nichts eurem zukünftigen gemeinsamen Glück im Wege stehen!she's determined to succeed and she won't let anything stand in her \way sie ist entschlossen, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, und wird sich durch nichts aufhalten lassento get out of sb's/sth's \way jdm/etw aus dem Weg gehencan you put your stuff out of the \way, please? kannst du bitte deine Sachen woanders hintun?to get sb/sth out of the \way jdn/etw loswerdencould you get this out of the \way, please? könntest du das bitte wegtun?please get the children out of the \way while I... sorge bitte dafür, dass die Kinder nicht stören, während ich...to give \way ( fig) nachgebenmake \way! Platz da!to make \way [for sb] [für jdn] Platz machen a. figto want sb out of the \way jdn aus dem Weg haben wollenby \way of an introduction to the subject,... als Einführung zum Thema...my mother has a \way of knowing exactly what I need meine Mutter weiß irgendwie immer genau, was ich braucheshe just has a \way with her sie hat einfach so eine gewisse Artthere are \ways of making you talk, you know Sie werden schon noch Reden!don't worry, we'll find a \way! keine Sorge, wir werden einen Weg finden!\ways and means Mittel und Wegewith today's technology everybody has the \ways and means to produce professional-looking documents mit der heutigen Technologie hat jeder die Möglichkeit, professionell aussehende Dokumente zu erstellento have a \way with children gut mit Kindern umgehen könnenover the years we've got used to his funny little \ways im Lauf der Jahre haben wir uns an seine kleinen Marotten gewöhntthat's the \way of the world das ist nun mal der Lauf der Dingeto fall into bad \ways in schlechte Angewohnheiten verfallento get into/out of the \way of doing sth sich dat etw an-/abgewöhnento be in a bad \way in schlechter Verfassung seinhe's been in a bad \way ever since the operation seit der Operation geht's ihm schlechtshe's in a terrible \way sie ist in einer schrecklichen Verfassung14. (desire)if I had my \way, we'd eat fish every day wenn es nach mir ginge, würden wir jeden Tag Fisch essen16. NAUTto gather/lose \way Fahrt aufnehmen/verlieren17. NAUT▪ \ways pl Helling f18.▶ by the \way übrigensand, by the \way, this wasn't the first time I... und das war, nebenbei bemerkt, nicht das erste Mal, dass ich...▶ to fall by the \way auf der Strecke bleiben▶ to have it/sth both \ways beides habenyou can't have it both \ways du kannst nicht beides haben▶ the \way to a man's heart is through his stomach ( prov) [die] Liebe [des Mannes] geht durch den Magen prov▶ to see/find out which \way the wind blows/is blowing ( fig) sehen/herausfinden, woher der Wind weht▶ there are no two \ways about it daran gibt es keinen ZweifelII. ADVERBit would be \way better for you to... es wäre weit[aus] besser für dich,...she spends \way too much money on clothes sie gibt viel zu viel Geld für Kleidung ausyou're \way out if you think... wenn du denkst, dass..., liegst du voll daneben!to be \way down with one's guess mit seiner Schätzung völlig danebenliegen\way back vor langer Zeit\way back in the early twenties damals in den frühen Zwanzigernto be \way past sb's bedtime ( fam) für jdn allerhöchste Zeit zum Schlafengehen sein\way up in the sky weit oben am Himmel\way cool/hot total [o voll] cool/heiß fam* * *[weɪ]1. NOUN1) = road Weg macross or over the way — gegenüber, vis-à-vis; (motion) rüber
2) = route Weg mto go the wrong way — sich verlaufen; (in car) sich verfahren
the way up/down — der Weg nach oben/unten; (climbing) der Auf-/Abstieg
the way there/back — der Hin-/Rückweg
prices are on the way up/down — die Preise steigen/fallen
by way of an answer/excuse — als Antwort/Entschuldigung
can you tell me the way to the town hall, please? — können Sie mir bitte sagen, wie ich zum Rathaus komme?
the shop is on the/your way — der Laden liegt auf dem/deinem Weg
there's another baby on the way — da ist wieder ein Kind unterwegs
he's on the way to becoming an alcoholic — er ist dabei or auf dem besten Weg, Alkoholiker zu werden
she's well on the way to being a first-rate singer —
I haven't finished it yet but it's on the way — ich bin noch nicht damit fertig, aber es ist im Werden (inf)
to go out of one's way to do sth (fig) — sich besonders anstrengen, um etw zu tun
please, don't go out of your way for us (fig) — machen Sie sich (dat) bitte unsertwegen keine Umstände
to get under way — in Gang kommen, losgehen (inf); (Naut) Fahrt aufnehmen or machen
to be (well) under way — im Gang/in vollem Gang sein; (Naut) in (voller) Fahrt sein; (with indication of place) unterwegs sein
on the way in — beim Hereingehen; (in car) beim Hineinfahren
please show me the way out — bitte zeigen Sie mir, wo es hinausgeht (inf) or wie ich hinauskomme
on the way out — beim Hinausgehen; (in car) beim Hinausfahren
to be on the way out (fig inf) — am Verschwinden or Aussterben sein → easy
I know my way around the town —
to lose/gather way (Naut) — Fahrt verlieren/aufnehmen
to make/fight/push one's way through the crowd — sich einen Weg durch die Menge bahnen, sich durch die Menge (durch)drängen/-kämpfen/-schieben
to make one's way in the world — seinen Weg machen, sich durchsetzen
to pay one's way — für sich selbst bezahlen; (company, project, machine)
to prepare the way (fig) — den Weg bereiten (for sb/sth jdm/einer Sache)
3) = path Weg mto leave the way open (fig) — die Möglichkeit offenlassen, einen Weg frei lassen (for sth für etw)
to be in sb's way — jdm im Weg stehen or sein; (fig also) jdn stören
to get in the way — in den Weg kommen; (fig) stören
her job gets in the way of her leisure interests — ihr Beruf stört sie nur bei ihren Freizeitvergnügungen
he lets nothing stand in his way —
now nothing stands in our way — jetzt steht uns (dat) nichts mehr im Weg, jetzt haben wir freie Bahn
get out of the/my way! — (geh) aus dem Weg!, weg da!
to get sth out of the way (work) — etw hinter sich (acc) bringen; difficulties, problems etc etw loswerden (inf), etw aus dem Weg räumen, etw beseitigen
to get sth out of the way of sb —
they got the children out of the way of the firemen — sie sorgten dafür, dass die Kinder den Feuerwehrleuten nicht im Weg waren
get those people out of the way of the trucks — sieh zu, dass die Leute den Lastwagen Platz machen or aus der Bahn gehen
keep or stay out of the way! — weg da!, zurück!
to keep sb/sth out of the way of sb — jdn/etw nicht in jds Nähe or Reichweite (acc) kommen lassen __diams; to make way for sb/sth (lit, fig) für jdn/etw Platz machen; (fig also)
make way! — mach Platz!, Platz machen!, Platz da!
4) = direction Richtung fdown our way (inf) — bei uns (in der Nähe), in unserer Gegend or Ecke (inf)
to look the other way (fig) — wegschauen, wegsehen
each way, both ways (Racing) — auf Sieg und Platz
we'll split it three/ten ways — wir werden es dritteln/in zehn Teile (auf)teilen or durch zehn teilen
she didn't know which way to look (fig) — sie wusste nicht, wo sie hinschauen or hinsehen sollte
this way, please — hier(her) or hier entlang, bitte
look this way —
"this way for the lions" — "zu den Löwen"
he went that way — er ging dorthin or in diese Richtung __diams; this way and that hierhin und dorthin __diams; every which way
5)= side
it's the wrong way up — es steht verkehrt herum or auf dem Kopf (inf)"this way up" — "hier oben"
put it the right way up/the other way (a)round — stellen Sie es richtig (herum) hin/andersherum or andersrum (inf) hin
6) = distance Weg m, Strecke fa little/good way away or off — nicht/sehr weit weg or entfernt, ein kleines/ganzes or gutes Stück weit weg or entfernt
that's a long way away — bis dahin ist es weit or (time) noch lange
a long way out of town — weit von der Stadt weg; (live also) weit draußen or außerhalb
that's a long way back —
a long way back, in 1942, when... — vor langer Zeit, im Jahre 1942, als...
to have a long way to go (lit, fit) — weit vom Ziel entfernt sein; (with work) bei Weitem nicht fertig sein
it should go a long way toward(s) solving the problem — das sollte or müsste bei dem Problem schon ein gutes Stück weiterhelfen
7) = manner Art f, Weise fthat's his way of saying thank you — das ist seine Art, sich zu bedanken
the French way of doing it — (die Art,) wie man es in Frankreich macht
way of thinking — Denk(ungs)art f, Denkweise f
to my way of thinking —
to go on in the same old way — wie vorher weitermachen, auf die alte Tour weitermachen (inf)
in a small way — in kleinem Ausmaß, im Kleinen __diams; one way or another/the other so oder so
it does not matter (to me) one way or the other — es macht (mir) so oder so nichts aus, es ist mir gleich __diams; either way
either way, we're bound to lose — (so oder so,) wir verlieren auf jeden Fall or auf alle Fälle
no way! — nichts drin! (inf), was? (inf), ausgeschlossen!
there's no way I'm going to agree/you'll persuade him — auf keinen Fall werde ich zustimmen/werden Sie ihn überreden können
there's no way that's a Porsche — ausgeschlossen, dass das ein Porsche ist
you can't have it both ways — du kannst nicht beides haben, beides (zugleich) geht nicht (inf)
this one is better, there are no two ways about it (inf) — dieses hier ist besser, da gibt es gar keinen Zweifel or das steht fest
do it this way it was this way... — machen Sie es so or auf diese (Art und) Weise es war so or folgendermaßen...
I've always had a job, I've been lucky that way — ich hatte immer einen Job, in dieser Hinsicht habe ich Glück gehabt
the way she walks/talks — (so) wie sie geht/spricht
I don't like the way (that) he's looking at you —
do you understand the way things are developing? do you remember the way it was/we were? — verstehst du, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln? erinnerst du dich noch (daran), wie es war/wie wir damals waren?
you could tell by the way he was dressed —
it's just the way you said it — es ist die Art, wie du es gesagt hast
do it any way you like — machen Sie es, wie Sie wollen
that's the way it goes! — so ist das eben, so ist das nun mal!
the way things are — so, wie es ist or wie die Dinge liegen
the way things are going — so, wie die Dinge sich entwickeln
it's not what you do, it's the way (that) you do it — es kommt nicht darauf an, was man macht, sondern wie man es macht = exactly as so, wie
leave everything the way it is — lass alles so, wie es ist
it was all the way you said it would be — es war alles so, wie du (es) gesagt hattest
to show sb the way to do sth — jdm zeigen, wie or auf welche Art und Weise etw gemacht wird
show me the way to do it — zeig mir, wie (ich es machen soll)
that's not the right way to do it — so geht das nicht, so kann man das nicht machen
there is only one way to speak to him — man kann mit ihm nur auf (die) eine Art und Weise reden __diams; ways and means Mittel und Wege pl
Ways and Means Committee (US) — Steuerausschuss m
8) = means Weg m9) = method, technique Art fhe has a way of knowing what I'm thinking — er hat eine Art zu wissen, was ich denke
we have ways of making you talk — wir haben gewisse Mittel, um Sie zum Reden zu bringen
there are many ways of solving the problem —
ha, that's one way of solving it! — ja, so kann man das auch machen!
the best way is to put it in the freezer for ten minutes — am besten legt man es für zehn Minuten ins Gefrierfach
he has a way with children — er versteht es, mit Kindern umzugehen, er hat eine geschickte Art (im Umgang) mit Kindern
10) = habit Art fit is not/only his way to... — es ist nicht/eben seine Art, zu...
to get out of/into the way of doing sth — sich (dat) ab-/angewöhnen, etw zu tun
the ways of the Spaniards —
the ways of Providence/God — die Wege der Vorsehung/Gottes
as is the way with... — wie das mit... so ist
way of life — Lebensstil m; (of nation) Lebensart f
11) = respect Hinsicht fin many/some ways — in vieler/gewisser Hinsicht
in every possible way —
what have you got in the way of drink/food? — was haben Sie an Getränken or zu trinken/an Lebensmitteln or zu essen?
12)= desire
to get or have one's (own) way —our team had it all their own way in the second half — in der zweiten Halbzeit ging für unsere Mannschaft alles nach Wunsch
13) = state Zustand m2. PLURAL NOUN(NAUT = slipway) Helling f, Ablaufbahn f3. ADVERB(inf)way over/up — weit drüben/oben
way back when — vor langer Zeit, als
that was way back — das ist schon lange her, das war schon vor langer Zeit
he was way out with his guess — er hatte weit daneben- or vorbeigeraten, er hatte weit gefehlt or er lag weit daneben (inf) mit seiner Annahme
you're way out if you think... — da liegst du aber schief (inf) or da hast du dich aber gewaltig geirrt, wenn du glaubst,...
* * *way1 [weı] s1. Weg m:way back Rückweg;on the way back from auf dem Rückweg von;way home Heimweg;the way of the cross REL der Kreuzweg;a) Mittel und Wege,lose one’s way sich verlaufen oder verirren;send sb on their way (Fußball) jemanden schicken;2. Straße f, Weg m:3. fig Gang m, Lauf m:4. Richtung f, Seite f:which way is he looking? wohin schaut er?;look the other way wegschauen;a) hierher,b) hier entlang ( → 9);the other way round umgekehrt5. Weg m, Entfernung f, Strecke f:a good way off ziemlich weit entfernt;Easter is still a long way off bis Ostern ist es noch lang;a long way up weit oder hoch hinauf;a little (long, good) way ein kleines (weites, gutes) Stück Wegs;a long way off perfection alles andere als vollkommen;go a long way back fig (weit) ausholen6. (freie) Bahn, Raum m, Platz m:a) (zurück)weichen,b) nachgeben (to dat) (Person od Sache),c) sich hingeben ( to despair der Verzweiflung);give way to a car AUTO einem Auto die Vorfahrt lassen;out of the way! aus dem Weg!7. Weg m, Durchgang m, Öffnung f:8. Vorwärtskommen n:9. Art f und Weise f, Weg m, Methode f, Verfahren n:any way you please ganz wie Sie wollen;in a big (small) way im Großen (Kleinen);one way or another irgendwie, auf irgendeine (Art und) Weise;in more ways than one in mehr als einer Beziehung;some way or other auf die eine oder andere Weise, irgendwie;to my way of thinking nach meiner Meinung;the right (wrong) way (to do it) richtig (falsch);the same way genauso;the way he does it so wie er es macht;the way I am feeling so wie ich mich im Moment fühle;I like the way she laughs ich mag ihr Lachen;the way I see it nach meiner Einschätzung;that’s the way to do it so macht man das;if that’s the way you feel about it wenn Sie so darüber denken;in a polite (friendly) way höflich (freundlich);in its way auf seine Art;10. Gewohnheit f, Brauch m, Sitte f:the good old ways die guten alten Bräuche11. Eigenheit f, -art f:funny ways komische Manieren;it is not his way es ist nicht seine Art oder Gewohnheit;she has a winning way sie hat eine gewinnende Art;that’s always the way with him so macht er es oder geht es ihm immer12. (Aus)Weg m:13. Hinsicht f, Beziehung f:in a way in gewisser Hinsicht, irgendwie;in every way in jeder Hinsicht oder Beziehung;in one way in einer Beziehung;in some ways in mancher Hinsicht;in the way of food was Essen anbelangt, an Lebensmittelnin a bad way in einer schlimmen Lage oder Verfassung;live in a great (small) way auf großem Fuß (in kleinen Verhältnissen oder sehr bescheiden) leben15. Berufszweig m, Fach n:it is not in his way, it does not fall in his way das schlägt nicht in sein Fach;he is in the oil way er ist im Ölhandel (beschäftigt)16. umg Umgebung f, Gegend f:somewhere London way irgendwo in der Gegend von London18. pl TECH Führungen pl (bei Maschinen)20. pl Schiffsbau:a) Helling fa) im Vorbeigehen, unterwegs,b) am Weg(esrand), an der Straße,c) fig übrigens, nebenbei (bemerkt),d) zufällig but that’s by the way aber dies nur nebenbei;a) (auf dem Weg) über (akk), durch,b) fig in der Absicht zu, um zu,by way of exchange auf dem Tauschwege;by way of grace JUR auf dem Gnadenweg;be by way of being angry im Begriff sein, wütend zu werden;a) dabei sein, etwas zu tun,b) pflegen oder es gewohnt sein oder die Aufgabe haben, etwas zu tun not by a long way noch lange nicht;a) auf dem Weg oder dabei zu,no way! umg auf (gar) keinen Fall!, kommt überhaupt nicht infrage!;no way can we accept that das können wir auf gar keinen Fall akzeptieren;die on one’s way to hospital auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus sterben;on the way to victory auf der Siegesstraße;be on the way sich andeuten;well on one’s way in vollem Gange, schon weit vorangekommen (a. fig);a) abgelegen, abseits, abgeschieden,b) ungewöhnlich, ausgefallen,a) SCHIFF in Fahrt,get sth under way etwas in Gang bringen;be in a fair way auf dem besten Wege sein;come in sb’s way jemandem über den Weg laufen;find its way into Eingang finden in (akk);force one’s way sich einen Weg bahnen;go sb’s waya) den gleichen Weg gehen wie jemand,b) jemanden begleiten go one’s way(s) seinen Weg gehen, fig seinen Lauf nehmen;go the whole way fig ganze Arbeit leisten;have a way with sb mit jemandem gut zurechtkommen, gut umgehen können mit jemandem;he’s got a way with words er ist sehr wortgewandt;have one’s (own) way seinen Kopf oder Willen durchsetzen;if I had my (own) way wenn es nach mir ginge;learn the hard way Lehrgeld zahlen (müssen);a) Platz machen,b) vorwärtskommen they made way for the ambulance to pass sie machten dem Krankenwagen Platz;make one’s way sich durchsetzen, seinen Weg machen;put sb in the way (of doing sth) jemandem die Möglichkeit geben(, etwas zu tun);put out of the way aus dem Weg räumen (auch töten);see one’s way to do sth eine Möglichkeit sehen, etwas zu tun;way2 [weı] adv weit oben, unten etc:way back in 1902 (schon) damals im Jahre 1902;we’re friends from way back wir sind uralte Freunde;way down South weit unten im Süden;this is way off his personal best SPORT das ist weit entfernt von seiner persönlichen Bestleistung;you are way off with your remark du liegst mit deiner Bemerkung völlig daneben* * *1. noun1) (road etc., lit. or fig.) Weg, deracross or over the way — gegenüber
2) (route) Weg, derask the or one's way — nach dem Weg fragen
ask the way to... — fragen od. sich erkundigen, wo es nach... geht
pick one's way — sich (Dat.) einen Weg suchen
lead the way — vorausgehen; (fig.): (show how to do something) es vormachen
find the or one's way in/out — den Eingang/Ausgang finden
find a way out — (fig.) einen Ausweg finden
I'll take the letter to the post office - it's on my way — ich bringe den Brief zur Post - sie liegt auf meinem Weg
‘Way In/Out’ — "Ein-/Ausgang"
there's no way out — (fig.) es gibt keinen Ausweg
the way back/down/up — der Weg zurück/nach unten/nach oben
go one's own way/their separate ways — (fig.) eigene/getrennte Wege gehen
be going somebody's way — (coll.) denselben Weg wie jemand haben
things are really going my way at the moment — (fig.) im Moment läuft [bei mir] alles so, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe
go out of one's way to collect something for somebody — einen Umweg machen, um etwas für jemanden abzuholen
go out of one's way to be helpful — sich (Dat.) besondere Mühe geben, hilfsbereit zu sein
3) (method) Art und Weise, diethere is a right way and a wrong way of doing it — es gibt einen richtigen und einen falschen Weg, es zu tun
he has a strange way of talking — er hat eine seltsame Sprechweise od. Art zu sprechen
from or by the way [that] she looked at me, I knew that there was something wrong — an ihrem Blick konnte ich erkennen, dass etwas nicht stimmte
find a or some way of doing something — einen Weg finden, etwas zu tun
Are you going to give me that money? - No way! — (coll.) Gibst du mir das Geld? - Nichts da! (ugs.)
no way is he coming with us — es kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage, dass er mit uns kommt
ways and means [to do something or of doing something] — Mittel und Wege, etwas zu tun
be built or made that way — (fig. coll.) so gestrickt sein (fig. ugs.)
be that way — (coll.) so sein
4) (desired course of action) Wille, derget or have one's [own] way, have it one's [own] way — seinen Willen kriegen
all right, have it your own way[, then]! — na gut od. schön, du sollst deinen Willen haben!
a little way — ein kleines Stück[chen]; (fig.) ein klein[es] bisschen
it's a long way off or a long way from here — es ist ein ganzes Stück von hier aus; es ist weit weg von hier
there's [still] some way to go yet — es ist noch ein ganzes Stück; (fig.) es dauert noch ein Weilchen
I went a little/a long/some way to meet him — ich bin ihm ein kleines/ganzes/ziemliches Stück entgegengegangen/-gefahren usw., um mich mit ihm zu treffen; (fig.) ich bin ihm etwas/sehr/ziemlich entgegengekommen
have gone/come a long way — (fig.) es weit gebracht haben
go a long way toward something/doing something — viel zu etwas beitragen/viel dazu beitragen, etwas zu tun
go all the way [with somebody] — (fig.) [jemandem] in jeder Hinsicht zustimmen; (coll.): (have full sexual intercourse) es [mit jemandem] richtig machen (salopp)
6) (room for progress) Weg, derleave the way open for something — (fig.) etwas möglich machen
clear the way [for something] — (lit. or fig.) [einer Sache (Dat.)] den Weg freimachen
be in somebody's or the way — [jemandem] im Weg sein
get in somebody's way — (lit. or fig.) jemandem im Wege stehen
put difficulties/obstacles in somebody's way — (fig.) jemandem Schwierigkeiten bereiten/Hindernisse in den Weg legen
make way for something — für etwas Platz schaffen od. (fig.) machen
[get] out of the/my way! — [geh] aus dem Weg!
get something out of the way — (settle something) etwas erledigen
7) (journey)on his way to the office/London — auf dem Weg ins Büro/nach London
on the way out to Singapore — auf dem Hinweg/der Hinfahrt/dem Hinflug nach Singapur
on the way back from Nigeria — auf dem Rückweg/der Rückfahrt/dem Rückflug von Nigeria
she is just on the or her way in/out — sie kommt/geht gerade
be on the way out — (fig. coll.) (be losing popularity) passee sein (ugs.); (be reaching end of life) [Hund, Auto, Person:] es nicht mehr lange machen (ugs.)
[be] on your way! — nun geh schon!
8) (specific direction) Richtung, dieshe went this/that/the other way — sie ist in diese/die/die andere Richtung gegangen
look this way, please — sieh/seht bitte hierher!
I will call next time I'm [down] your way — wenn ich das nächste Mal in deiner Gegend bin, komme ich [bei dir] vorbei
look the other way — (lit. or fig.) weggucken
the other way about or round — andersherum
this/which way round — so/wie herum
stand something the right/wrong way up — etwas richtig/falsch herum stellen
‘this way up’ — "hier oben"
9) (advance) Weg, derfight/push etc. one's way through — sich durchkämpfen/-drängen
be under way — [Person:] aufgebrochen sein; [Fahrzeug:] abgefahren sein; (fig.): (be in progress) [Besprechung, Verhandlung, Tagung:] im Gange sein
get something under way — (fig.) etwas in Gang bringen
make one's way to Oxford/the station — nach Oxford/zum Bahnhof gehen/fahren
Do you need a lift? - No, I'll make my own way — Soll ich dich mitnehmen? - Nein, ich komme alleine
make one's [own] way in the world — seinen Weg gehen (fig.)
make or pay its way — ohne Verlust arbeiten
10) (respect) Hinsicht, diein [exactly] the same way — [ganz] genauso
in no way — auf keinen Fall; durchaus nicht
11) (state) Verfassung, dieby way of — (as a kind of) als; (for the purpose of) um … zu
by way of illustration / greeting / apology / introduction — zur Illustration / Begrüßung / Entschuldigung/Einführung
12) (custom) Art, dieget into/out of the way of doing something — sich (Dat.) etwas an-/abgewöhnen
he has a way of leaving his bills unpaid — es ist so seine Art, seine Rechnungen nicht zu bezahlen
in its way — auf seine/ihre Art
way of life — Lebensstil, der
way of thinking — Denkungsart, die
be the way — so od. üblich sein
14) (ability to charm somebody or attain one's object)she has a way with children/animals — sie kann mit Kindern/Tieren gut umgehen
15) (specific manner) Eigenart, diefall into bad ways — schlechte [An]gewohnheiten annehmen
16) (ordinary course) Rahmen, der2. adverbway off/ahead/above — weit weg von/weit voraus/weit über
way back — (coll.) vor langer Zeit
way back in the early fifties/before the war — vor langer Zeit, Anfang der fünfziger Jahre/vor dem Krieg
he was way out with his guess, his guess was way out — er lag mit seiner Schätzung gewaltig daneben
way down south/in the valley — tief [unten] im Süden/Tal
* * *(of doing something) n.Manier -en f. n.Art und Weise f.Bahn -en f.Gang ¨-e m.Straße -n f.Strecke -n f.Weg -e m.Weise -n f. -
8 way
[wei] 1. noun1) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) prehod2) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) pot; smer3) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) cesta4) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) pot5) (a method or manner: What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He's got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.) način6) (an aspect or side of something: In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.) ozir7) (a characteristic of behaviour; a habit: He has some rather unpleasant ways.) navada8) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.) pot2. adverb((especially American) by a long distance or time; far: The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It's way past your bedtime.) daleč- wayfarer- wayside
- be/get on one's way
- by the way
- fall by the wayside
- get/have one's own way
- get into / out of the way of doing something
- get into / out of the way of something
- go out of one's way
- have a way with
- have it one's own way
- in a bad way
- in
- out of the/someone's way
- lose one's way
- make one's way
- make way for
- make way
- under way
- way of life
- ways and means* * *I [wéi]nounpot, cesta, steza; proga; prehod; stran, smer; nautical kurzway out — izhod; prehojena pot; pot ali oddaljenost, ki jo je treba prehoditi; dalja, del poti ali potovanja; prosta pot, prostor; figuratively priložnost, prilika, možnost, izhod; napredovanje, napredek, razvoj; colloquially okolica, stran; figuratively pot, način, sredstvo, postopek, metoda; navada, lastnost, običaj; poklic, stroka, področje dejavnosti; (zdravstveno) stanje, položaj; ozir, pogled, zveza, razmerje, stopnja; nautical plural grede za spuščanje ladje v vodo, sankeany way — vsekakor, v vsakem primeruby way of — na poti čez; z namenom, da; zato, da; s pomočjo; zaradiby the way — mimogrede, spotoma, na poti; sicer; slučajnoin a way — nekako, na neki način, ne popolnomain a small way — skromno, brez pretenzij, ponižnoone way or another — tako ali tako, kakorkoli, nekakoover the way — na drugi strani (poti), čez cestothe other way round — v obratni smeri, narobe, (ravno) obratnounder way nautical na poti, na vožnjithe way of the world — tok, način življenja, ukoreninjen običajthe way of the cross religion križev potno way inferior — nikakor ne slabši, neznatnejšithe good old ways — dobri, stari običajihigh way — glavna cesta, državna cesta; figuratively običajni način delovanjalion in the way — zapreka, motnja (zlasti namišljena, fiktivna)permanent way railway tir, tračnicepermanent-way man railway progovni delavecnothing out of the way — nič posebnega (nenavadnega, izrednega)this way please! — semkaj, za menoj, prosim!this is not in my way — to ni moja stroka, s tem se ne bavimto be in the family way — biti noseča, pričakovati otrokato be in s.o.'s way — biti komu napoti, motiti kogato be on the way — biti na poti, približevati seto be in a way colloquially biti vznemirjen, razburjento clear the way — umakniti se s poti, dati prost prehodto come ( —ali to fall) in s.o.'s way — srečati koga, naleteti na kogato get in the way — biti napoti, zapreti pot, oviratito get in the way of s.th. — razumeti kajto get out of the way — iti s poti, umakniti se (s poti)to give way — umakniti se, odmakniti se, izogniti se; popuščati, popustitito force one's way — izsiliti, utreti si potto go one's way — oditi, iti po svoji potito go ( —ali to take) one's own way — iti svojo pot; ravnati, narediti neodvisno od nasvetov drugihto go the way of all the earth (of all flesh, of nature) figuratively umretiyou can't have it both ways — ne moreš imeti obojega; figuratively ne more biti volk sit in koza celato have one's own way — delati po svoji glavi; doseči to, kar želimoto look s.o.'s way — gledati proti komuto lose way — izgubiti, zmanjšati hitrostto lose one's way — zaiti, izgubiti seto make way — napredovati; figuratively prodreti, uspetito make one's own way — iti po svoji poti, oditito make the best of one's way — iti čim hitreje, pohitetito put o.s. out of the way — truditi se, da(ja)ti si trudato put s.o. out of the way — spraviti koga s poti, tajno ubiti kogato see a way out — videti pot (izhod, neko možnost)to stand in the way of s.o. — ovirati koga, zastaviti komu potto work one's way — študirati, preživljati se z delomII [wéi]transitive verbizuriti (konja) za hojo ali ježo po cestiIII [wéi]adverb colloquially daleč -
9 way
/wei/ * danh từ - đường, đường đi, lối đi =way in+ lối vào =way out+ lối ra =way through+ lối đi qua =a public way+ con đường công cộng =covered way+ lối đi có mái che, nhà cầu =permanent way+ nền đường sắt (đã làm xong) =to be on one's way to+ trên đường đi tới =on the way+ dọc đường =to be under way+ đang đi, đang trên đường đi (nghĩa bóng) đang tiến hành =to lose one's+ lạc đường =to find way home+ tìm đường về nhà =to block (stop) the way+ ngăn (chặn, chắn) đường =to clear the way+ dọn đường; mở thông đường =to make the best of one's way+ đi thật nhanh =to make way for+ tránh đường cho, để cho qua =to pave the way for+ mở đường cho, chuẩn bị cho =in the way+ làm trở ngại, chặn lối, ngáng đường =to be in someone's way+ làm trở ngại ai, ngáng trở ai =to get out of the way of someone+ tránh khỏi đường đi của ai =to stand in the way of someone+ chặn đường (tiến lên) của ai - đoạn đường, quãng đường, khoảng cách =it's a long way from Hanoi+ cách Hà nội rất xa =to go a long way+ đi xa =to be still a long way off perfection+ còn xa mới hoàn mỹ được - phía, phương, hướng, chiều =the right way+ phía phải; (nghĩa bóng) con đường ngay, con đường đúng =the wrong way+ phía trái; (nghĩa bóng) con đường sai lầm =which way is the wind blowing?+ gió thổi theo phương nào? =this way+ hướng này =this way out+ đường ra phía này - cách, phương pháp, phương kế, biện pháp =in no way+ chẳng bằng cách nào =to go the right way to+ chọn cách tốt để =to go one's own way+ làm theo cách của mình =to see one's way to+ có cách để =to find way to+ tìm ra cách để =to have one's own way+ làm theo ý muốn; muốn gì được nấy =where there is a will there is a way+ có chí thì nên - cá tính, lề thói =in the way of business+ theo thói thường, theo lề thói =English ways of living+ lối sống Anh =in a friendly way+ một cách thân mật =way of speaking+ cách nói =it is his way+ đó là cá tính của nó =it is the way of the world+ lề thói chung là thế; mọi người cũng làm như thế cả =ways and customs+ phong tục lề thói =to be ignorant of the ways of society+ không biết phép xã giao - việc; phạm vi, thẩm quyền =it is not in my way; it does not lie (come, fall) in my way+ không phải việc của tôi; không thuộc thẩm quyền của tôi - (thông tục) vùng ở gần =to live somewhere Hanoi way+ ở đâu đó gần Hà nội - tình trạng, tình thế, tình hình; giả định, giả thuyết =to be in a bad way+ ở vào tình trạng xấu =to be in a fair way of (to)+ ở trong tình thế thuận lợi để - mức độ, chừng mực =in a small way+ ở mức thấp, tầm thường; nho nhỏ - loại =something in the way of stationery+ cái gì đó thuộc loại đồ dùng văn phòng - mặt, phương diện =in many ways+ về nhiều mặt =in no way+ chẳng mặt nào, tuyệt nhiên không - sự tiến bộ, sự thịnh vượng =to make one's [own] way+ làm ăn thịnh vượng =to make way+ tiến, tiến bộ - quy mô; ngành kinh doanh; phạm vi hoạt động =way of business+ ngành kinh doanh =to be in a large way of business+ kinh doanh quy mô lớn - (hàng hải) sự chạy; tốc độ =to gather way+ tăng tốc độ =to lose way+ giảm tốc độ =to get under way+ lên đường, khởi hành, nhổ neo; khởi công =to be under way; to have way on+ đang chạy (tàu thuỷ) - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) đằng =way ahead (back, down, off, up)+ đằng trước (đằng sau, phía dưới, đằng xa, phía trên) =to know someone way back in 1950+ quen biết người nào từ năm 1950 !by the way - (xem) by !by way of - đi qua, bằng con đường =by way of Haiphong+ bằng con đường Hải phòng, qua Hải phòng - như là, coi như là, như thể =by way of compliment+ như là một lời khen !the farthest way about is the nearest way home !the longest way round is the shortest way home - (tục ngữ) đường chính lại gần, đường tắt hoá xa !to give way - (xem) give !to go out of one's way to be rude - hỗn xược một cách vô cớ !to go the way of all the earth !to go the way of all flesh !to go the way of nature - (xem) go !to lead the way - (xem) lead !parting of the ways - (xem) parting !to put oneself out of the way - chịu phiền chịu khó để giúp người khác -
10 way
1. път, пътека, шосе, място за преминаване
WAY in вход
WAY out изход (и прен.)
WAY through пасаж
the broad WAY прен. пътят на наслажденията
the narrow/straight WAY прен. трудният път към добродетелта
the WAY of the Cross рел. Голгота (и прен.)
on one's WAY to на път/по пътя за
across/over the WAY отсреща, насреща, оттатък пътя
by the WAY на/край пътя, между другото, между прочем
out of the WAY настрани от/не на пътя, отдалечен, затънтен, забутан, необикновен, необичаен, особен
to be/stand in the WAY преча
to get in the WAY of стоя на пътя/преча на
to get out of someone's WAY отстранявам се от пътя на/преставам да преча на някого
to keep out of someone's WAY отбягвам някого, гледам да не се мяркам пред него
to clear/pave/smoothe the WAY for разчиствам/откривам пътя за, подготвям почвата за
to make WAY for давам път/отстъпвам място на
to make the best of one's WAY бързам, колкото мога
to make one's WAY in the world пробивам си път в живота, правя кариера
the WAY of all flesh участта на всичко живо/смъртно
to go the WAY of all flesh/of nature/of all the earth/of all things умирам, отивам си от този свят
to go the WAY of all good things пропадам, отивам по дяволите
to feel/grope one's WAY вървя пипнешком, прен. действувам предпазливо, опитвам терена
to find one's/its/the WAY попадам, прониквам
to go one's WAY тръгвам (си), потеглям
to get/go/take/have one's own WAY действувам самостоятелно, не се вслушвам в съвети, правя каквото/както си искам
to go all the WAY with someone съгласявам се изцяло с някого
to go someone's WAY отивам в същата посока с някого
everything goes his WAY разг. върви му
to go the right WAY на прав път съм, не съм се заблудил (и прен.)
to go the wrong WAY сбърквам пътя, попадам в кривото гърло (за храна)
to go the whole WAY върша нещо изоснови/докрай/както трябва
to make one's WAY to/toward запътвам се/тръгвам към
something comes/falls one's way попада ми
to take one's WAY to/towards тръгвам, вървя, отивам
to go out one's WAY to do something полагам особени усилия/старания да направя нещо, правя всичко възможно
2. разстояние
a little WAY недалеч, наблизо
a long/good WAY (off) много далеч, надалеч
to have come/gone a long WAY стигнал съм далеч, напреднал съм
it's (a long) WAY off perfection далеч не e съвършено
better by a long WAY далеч по-добър
this will go a long WAY това ще допринесе много
to be (a long) WAY above далеч надхвърлям
to go a long WAY имам голямо влияние/значение, стигам задълго, спорен съм
not by a long WAY съвсем не
you are a long WAY out много се лъжеш
3. направление, посока, курс
this WAY насам
that WAY натам
to look someone's WAY гледам към някого
every which WAY по всички посоки/направления
to look the other WAY извръщам поглед, прен. правя се, че не виждам/не забелязвам
to put someone in the WAY of помагам на/подпомагам някого в (нещо)
the other WAY (a) round/about (точно) обратно (то)
4. начин, способ, метод, маниер
(in) this/that WAY така, по този начин
in every WAY всячески, по всякакъв начин, във всяко отношение
all/quite/very much the other WAY съвсем другояче/иначе
WAYs and means начини, средства, възможности
committee of WAYs and means бюджетна комисия
it's not his WAY to be jealous, etc. не му e свойствено/присъщо да завижда и пр.
it's disgraceful the WAY he drinks, etc. безобразно e как/дето толкова пие и пр
to have a WAY with one умея да привличам/да се харесвам/да постигам своето
don't take offence-it's only his WAY не се засягай-той си е такъв/маниерът му е такъв
to my WAY of thinking според мен, по моему
there are no two WAYs about it няма две мнения по въпроса
one WAY or another така или иначе
to go the right/wrong WAY about something подхващам нещо правилно/неправилно
hi a WAY до известна степен, в известно отношение/смисъл
in no WAY в никакво отношение, никак
no WAY няма начин, невъзможно
to see one's WAY (clear) to doing something ясно ми е/зная как да направя нещо/как да постъпя, намирам/считам за възможно/виждам възможност да направя нещо
5. ход, движение, напредване, напредък, инерция
to get under WAY отплувам, тръгвам на път (за кораб), прен. започвам
to be under WAY плувам (за кораб), прен. в ход съм
preparations are under WAY извършват се приготовления
to gather/lose WAY набирам/губя скорост, ускорявам/забавям хода
to make WAY напредвам (и прен.)
to make one's (own) WAY (in the world) напредвам, преуспявам
6. състояние, положение, начин на живот, разг. занимание, занятие, търговия
that's the WAY things are така стоят работите
to be in a good/bad WAY в добро/лошо състояние съм
in a small WAY скромно, на дребно, в малки мащаби
to be in a small/large WAY of business върша/занимавам се с дребна/едра търговия
7. pl мор. стапел за спускане на кораб във вода
by WAY of via, като, вместо
by WAY of a joke, etc. на шега и пр.
by WAY of a weapon катo/вместо оръжие
to be by WAY of a poet, etc. съм нещо като/пиша се за/минавам за поет и пр.* * *{wei} n 1. път, пътека, шосе; място за преминаване; way in вход; way* * *ход; способ; път; начин;* * *1. (in) this/that way така, по този начин 2. a little way недалеч, наблизо 3. a long/good way (off) много далеч, надалеч 4. across/over the way отсреща, насреща, оттатък пътя 5. all/quite/very much the other way съвсем другояче/иначе 6. better by a long way далеч по-добър 7. by the way на/край пътя, между другото, между прочем 8. by way of a joke, etc. на шега и пр 9. by way of a weapon катo/вместо оръжие 10. by way of via, като, вместо 11. committee of ways and means бюджетна комисия 12. don't take offence-it's only his way не се засягай-той си е такъв/маниерът му е такъв 13. every which way по всички посоки/направления 14. everything goes his way разг. върви му 15. hi a way до известна степен, в известно отношение/смисъл 16. in a small way скромно, на дребно, в малки мащаби 17. in every way всячески, по всякакъв начин, във всяко отношение 18. in no way в никакво отношение, никак 19. it's (a long) way off perfection далеч не e съвършено 20. it's disgraceful the way he drinks, etc. безобразно e как/дето толкова пие и пр 21. it's not his way to be jealous, etc. не му e свойствено/присъщо да завижда и пр 22. no way няма начин, невъзможно 23. not by a long way съвсем не 24. on one's way to на път/по пътя за 25. one way or another така или иначе 26. out of the way настрани от/не на пътя, отдалечен, затънтен, забутан, необикновен, необичаен, особен 27. pl мор. стапел за спускане на кораб във вода 28. preparations are under way извършват се приготовления 29. something comes/falls one's way попада ми 30. that way натам 31. that's the way things are така стоят работите 32. the broad way прен. пътят на наслажденията 33. the narrow/straight way прен. трудният път към добродетелта 34. the other way (a) round/about (точно) обратно (то) 35. the way of all flesh участта на всичко живо/смъртно 36. the way of the cross рел. Голгота (и прен.) 37. there are no two ways about it няма две мнения по въпроса 38. this way насам 39. this will go a long way това ще допринесе много 40. to be (a long) way above далеч надхвърлям 41. to be by way of a poet, etc. съм нещо като/пиша се за/минавам за поет и пр 42. to be in a good/bad way в добро/лошо състояние съм 43. to be in a small/large way of business върша/занимавам се с дребна/едра търговия 44. to be under way плувам (за кораб), прен. в ход съм 45. to be/stand in the way преча 46. to clear/pave/smoothe the way for разчиствам/откривам пътя за, подготвям почвата за 47. to feel/grope one's way вървя пипнешком, прен. действувам предпазливо, опитвам терена 48. to find one's/its/the way попадам, прониквам 49. to gather/lose way набирам/губя скорост, ускорявам/забавям хода 50. to get in the way of стоя на пътя/преча на 51. to get out of someone's way отстранявам се от пътя на/преставам да преча на някого 52. to get under way отплувам, тръгвам на път (за кораб), прен. започвам 53. to get/go/take/have one's own way действувам самостоятелно, не се вслушвам в съвети, правя каквото/както си искам 54. to go a long way имам голямо влияние/значение, стигам задълго, спорен съм 55. to go all the way with someone съгласявам се изцяло с някого 56. to go one's way тръгвам (си), потеглям 57. to go out one's way to do something полагам особени усилия/старания да направя нещо, правя всичко възможно 58. to go someone's way отивам в същата посока с някого 59. to go the right way на прав път съм, не съм се заблудил (и прен.) 60. to go the right/wrong way about something подхващам нещо правилно/неправилно 61. to go the way of all flesh/of nature/of all the earth/of all things умирам, отивам си от този свят 62. to go the way of all good things пропадам, отивам по дяволите 63. to go the whole way върша нещо изоснови/докрай/както трябва 64. to go the wrong way сбърквам пътя, попадам в кривото гърло (за храна) 65. to have a way with one умея да привличам/да се харесвам/да постигам своето 66. to have come/gone a long way стигнал съм далеч, напреднал съм 67. to keep out of someone's way отбягвам някого, гледам да не се мяркам пред него 68. to look someone's way гледам към някого 69. to look the other way извръщам поглед, прен. правя се, че не виждам/не забелязвам 70. to make one's (own) way (in the world) напредвам, преуспявам 71. to make one's way in the world пробивам си път в живота, правя кариера 72. to make one's way to/toward запътвам се/тръгвам към 73. to make the best of one's way бързам, колкото мога 74. to make way for давам път/отстъпвам място на 75. to make way напредвам (и прен.) 76. to my way of thinking според мен, по моему 77. to put someone in the way of помагам на/подпомагам някого в (нещо) 78. to see one's way (clear) to doing something ясно ми е/зная как да направя нещо/как да постъпя, намирам/считам за възможно/виждам възможност да направя нещо 79. to take one's way to/towards тръгвам, вървя, отивам 80. way in вход 81. way out изход (и прен.) 82. way through пасаж 83. ways and means начини, средства, възможности 84. you are a long way out много се лъжеш 85. направление, посока, курс 86. начин, способ, метод, маниер 87. път, пътека, шосе, място за преминаване 88. разстояние 89. състояние, положение, начин на живот, разг. занимание, занятие, търговия 90. ход, движение, напредване, напредък, инерция* * *way [wei] n 1. начин, способ, метод, маниер; in a \way донякъде, в известен смисъл; in every \way всячески, по всякакъв начин; във всяко отношение; you can't have it both \ways не може и вълкът да е сит, и агнето да е цяло; не може хем едното, хем другото; ( there are) no two \ways about it няма две мнения по този въпрос; one \way or another (either \way) така или иначе; she has a \way with children тя умее да общува (да се оправя) с деца; the other \way иначе; to get ( have) o.'s own \way, to follow ( hold, keep) o.'s own \way правя (постъпвам) по своему, постигам своето, вървя по собствен път, отстоявам своето; to be set in o.'s \ways имам установени навици (характер); to mend o.'s \ways променям се, влизам в правия път; to my \way of thinking по моему, по мое мнение; според мен; where there is a will there is a \way когато има добра воля (желание), начин (разрешение) се намира; No \way! абсурд! невъзможно! the W. християнската религия; Committee of W.s and Means англ., ам. полит. бюджетна комисия; начини за постигане на цел; 2. път, пътека; шосе, място за преминаване; the W. of the Cross рел. Голгота (и прен.); cross ( over) \way отсреща, насреща; \way through пасаж; \way in вход; \way out изход; прен. изход от положението; the broad \way прен. пътят на наслажденията; the narrow \way прен. пътят на добродетелта; the Milky W. астр. Млечният път; on the \way 1) предстоящ, на път; 2) по пътя (to към); across the \way насреща, отсреща (през пътя); to be in the \way 1) преча, стоя на пътя, представлявам препятствие; 2) под ръка съм; на разположение съм; by the \way 1) по пътя; 2) между другото; впрочем; to get in the \way of преча на, стоя на пътя на; to come s.o.'s \way предоставям се на (за шанс, възможност); to get into the \way of привиквам (пристрастявам се) към; to get out of s.o.'s \way отстранявам се, махам се, отдръпвам се от пътя на някого; прен. преставам да преча на някого; to clear ( pave, smooth) the \way for разчиствам (откривам) пътя на, подготвям почвата за; to make \way for давам път на, отстъпвам място на; to know o.'s \way about ( around) наясно съм с; to make the best of o.'s \way бързам, колкото мога; to make o.'s \way in the world правя кариера, пробивам си път в живота, завоювам си място в обществото; to see o.'s \way разбирам как трябва да действам; out of the \way 1) не в (на) пътя, настрана; 2) необикновен, необичаен, забележителен; особен; 3) отдалечен, далечен; затънтен, забутан; to go the \way of all flesh ( of nature, of all the earth) умирам, отивам си от този свят; to be in a fair \way to s.th.; to be ( well) on o.'s \way to на път съм (имам шанс) да постигна (сполуча) нещо; to blaze the \way пробивам (проправям) си път през гората; прен. новатор съм; to fight o.'s \way насила си пробивам път; to feel ( grope) o.'s \way вървя пипнешком, опипом търся пътя си; прен. действам предпазливо, опипвам терена; to find o.'s ( the) \way намирам пътя; прен. прониквам, попадам; постигам с труд нещо, пробивам (прен.); to go all the \way with изцяло, напълно се съгласявам с; to go the whole \way върша нещо из основи, както трябва, не се спирам наполовина; to go the wrong \way сбърквам пътя; (за храна) попада в кривото гърло; to keep out of harm's \way избягвам опасността; държа се настрана от греха; to lead the \way оглавявам, вървя начело; to meet s.o. half \way правя компромис за (отстъпвам на) някого; 3. направление, курс, посока; this \way насам; the other \way round обратно; to cut both \ways нож с две остриета съм (и прен.); every which \way по всички направления, в разни посоки; on the \way out разг. 1) излизащ от мода; 2) умиращ; замиращ; to look the other \way правя се, че нищо не виждам; отвръщам, извръщам поглед; to rub s.o. (up) the wrong \way дразня някого, лазя по нервите на някого; to go out of o.'s \way to давам си специален труд да, полагам извънредни (особени) усилия да; 4. разстояние; a little \way (s) недалеко, наблизо; we go \way back, we go back a long \way отдавна сме заедно, връзката ни е от дълго време; to go a long \way towards допринасям много за, спомагам за; his name goes a long \way той има голямо влияние, думата му тежи; вслушват се в мнението му; you are a long \way out много се лъжете; 5. разг. състояние, положение; начин на живот; to live in a great \way живея на широко (широка нога); to be in a bad \way 1) ост. много ми е зле; 2) разтревожен съм; in a big \way силно, с ентусиазъм, решително; to get that \way разг. попадам в лошо положение, изпадам в неприятност; in a family \way по семейному, домашному, свойски, интимно; to be in the family \way бременна съм; to pay o.'s \way живея според средствата си (в смисъл - без дългове); 6. ход, движение, инерция; to get under \way (за кораб) отплувам, заминавам, тръгвам на път; прен. започвам, пускам в ход, осъществявам; to gather ( lose) \way ускорявам (забавям) хода; набирам (губя) скорост; 7. (употребява се за усилване): the worst \way много, крайно, необикновено; \way above много над; \way ahead далеко напред; 8. pl тех. плази за спускане на кораб във водата; • the Great White W. булевард Бродуей в Ню Йорк; by \way of 1) през; 2) като, за; вместо; by \way of an introduction вместо въведение, като увод; 3) за да (с ger); 4) по отношение на, що се отнася до (и in the \way of) a country without much in the \way of natural resources страна, сравнително бедна по отношение на природни богатства; to give \way 1) отстъпвам, поддавам се; сменявам се, изчезвам, разсейвам се; 2) давам воля (на чувства и пр.) (to); 3) (за разсъдък) размътвам се; 4) (за крака) подкосявам се; 5) фин. (за акции) спадам, намалявам ми цената; 6) мор. налягам на веслата; to go a little ( good) \way with s.o. имам незначително (голямо) влияние върху някого; to take o.'s \way отивам; right of \way юрид. право на преминаване. -
11 way
A n1 (route, road) chemin m (from de ; to à) ; a paved way un chemin pavé ; to live over the way ○ habiter en face ; the quickest way to town le chemin le plus court pour aller en ville ; if we go this way we avoid the traffic si nous prenons cette route nous éviterons la circulation ; to ask the way to demander le chemin pour aller à ; which is the best way to the station? quel est le meilleur chemin or le chemin le plus court pour aller à la gare? ; can you tell me the way to the museum? pouvez-vous m'indiquer le chemin pour aller au musée? ; to find one's way trouver son chemin ; how did that find its way in here? comment est-ce que c'est arrivé ici? ; the way ahead lit le chemin devant moi/eux etc ; the way ahead looks difficult fig l'avenir s'annonce difficile ; a way around lit un chemin pour contourner [obstacle] ; there is no way around the problem il n'y a pas moyen de contourner le problème ; to take the long way around prendre le chemin le plus long ; the way back to le chemin pour retourner à ; I telephoned on the way back j'ai téléphoné sur le chemin du retour ; on the way back from the meeting en revenant de la réunion ; the way down le chemin pour descendre, la descente ; she was hurt on the way down elle s'est blessée en descendant ; the way forward fig la clé de l'avenir ; the way forward is to… la clé de l'avenir consiste à… ; the way in l'entrée (to de) ; ‘way in’ ‘entrée’ ; the way out la sortie (of de) ; the quickest way out is through here c'est par ici que l'on sort le plus vite ; there's no way out fig il n'y a pas d'échappatoire ; a way out of our difficulties un moyen de nous sortir de nos difficultés or de nous en sortir ; the way up la montée ; on the way en route ; we're on the way to Mary's nous allons chez Mary ; I did it on the way here je l'ai fait en venant ici ; I stopped on the way je me suis arrêté en (cours de) route ; on the way past en passant ; I'm on my way j'arrive ; she's on her way over elle arrive ; on your way through town, look out for the cathedral en traversant la ville essaie de voir la cathédrale ; the shop is on the/my way le magasin est sur le/mon chemin ; his house is on your way to town tu passes devant chez lui en allant au centre-ville ; it's not on my way ce n'est pas sur mon chemin ; I must be on my way il faut que je parte ; to go on one's way se remettre en route ; to send sb on his way ( tell to go away) envoyer promener qn ○ ; she sent him on his way with an apple elle lui a donné une pomme pour la route ; to be on one's way to victory être sur le chemin de la victoire ; to be on the way to disaster aller à la catastrophe ; to be well on the ou one's way to doing être bien parti pour faire ; to be on the way out fig passer de mode ; she's got four kids and another one on the way ○ elle a quatre gosses et un autre en route ○ ; to be out of sb's way ne pas être sur le chemin de qn ; sorry to have taken you out of your way désolé de t'avoir fait faire un détour ; don't go out of your way to do ne t'embête pas à faire ; to go out of one's way to make sb feel uncomfortable tout faire pour que qn se sente mal à l'aise ; out of the way ( isolated) isolé ; ( unusual) extraordinaire ; along the way lit en chemin ; fig en cours de route ; by way of ( via) en passant par ; to go one's own way fig suivre son chemin ; they decided to go their separate ways ( of couple) ils ont décidé de suivre chacun son chemin ; there we went our separate ways là chacun est parti de son côté ; to go the way of sb/sth finir comme qn/qch ; to make one's way towards se diriger vers ; to make one's way along avancer le long de ; the procession makes its solemn way through London la procession avance solennellement dans Londres ; to make one's own way there/home se débrouiller seul pour y arriver/pour rentrer ; to make one's own way in life faire son chemin tout seul dans la vie ; to push one's way through sth se frayer un chemin à travers qch ; to argue/lie one's way out of trouble se sortir d'affaire en argumentant/en mentant ;2 ( direction) direction f, sens m ; which way is the arrow pointing? quelle direction indique la flèche? ; which way did he go? dans quelle direction est-il parti? ; he went that way il est parti par là ; south is that way le sud est dans cette direction or par là ; come ou step this way suivez-moi, venez par ici ; can we get to the park this way? est-ce que l'on peut aller au parc par ici? ; ‘this way for the zoo’ ‘vers le zoo’ ; she's heading this way elle vient par ici ; ‘this way up’ ‘haut’ ; look/turn this way regarde/tourne-toi par ici ; to look this way and that regarder dans toutes les directions ; to run this way and that courir dans tous les sens ; to look both ways regarder des deux côtés ; to look the other way ( to see) regarder de l'autre côté ; ( to avoid seeing unpleasant thing) détourner les yeux ; fig ( to ignore wrong doing) fermer les yeux ; to go every which way partir dans tous les sens ; the other way up dans l'autre sens ; the right way up dans le bon sens ; the wrong way up à l'envers ; to turn sth the other way around retourner qch ; to do it the other way around faire le contraire ; I didn't ask her, it was the other way around ce n'est pas moi qui lui ai demandé, c'est l'inverse ; the wrong/right way around dans le mauvais/bon sens ; to put one's skirt on the wrong way around mettre sa jupe à l'envers ; you're Ben and you're Tom, is that the right way around? tu es Ben, et toi tu es Tom, c'est bien ça? ; you're going the right way tu vas dans le bon sens or la bonne direction ; you're going the right way to get a smack tu es bien parti pour te prendre une claque ; are you going my way? est-ce que tu vas dans la même direction que moi? ; if you're ever down our way si jamais tu passes près de chez nous ; over Manchester way du côté de Manchester ; she's coming our way elle vient vers nous ; an opportunity came my way une occasion s'est présentée ; to put sth sb's way ○ filer qch à qn ○ ; everything's going my/his way tout me/lui sourit ;3 (space in front, projected route) passage m ; to bar/block sb's way barrer/bloquer le passage à qn ; to be in sb's way empêcher qn de passer ; to be in the way gêner le passage ; am I in your way here? est-ce que je te gêne comme ça? ; to get in sb's way [hair, clothing] gêner qn ; [children] être dans les jambes de qn ; anyone who gets in his way gets knocked down fig quiconque se met en travers de son chemin se fait envoyer au tapis ○ ; she won't let anything get in the way of her ambition elle ne laissera rien entraver son ambition ; to get out of the way s'écarter (du chemin) ; to get out of sb's way laisser passer qn ; put that somewhere out of the way mets ça quelque part où ça ne gêne pas ; she couldn't get out of the way in time elle n'a pas pu s'écarter à temps ; out of my way! pousse-toi! ; get your car out of my way! pousse ta voiture! ; get him out of the way before the boss gets here! fais-le disparaître d'ici avant que le patron arrive! ; if only he were out of the way… si seulement on pouvait se débarrasser de lui… ; let me get lunch out of the way laisse-moi en terminer avec le déjeuner ; once the election is out of the way une fois les élections passées ; to keep out of the way rester à l'écart ; to keep out of sb's way éviter qn ; to keep sb out of sb's way ( to avoid annoyance) tenir qn à l'écart de qn ; to keep sth out of sb's way (to avoid injury, harm) garder qch hors de portée de qn ; to shove/pull sb out of the way écarter qn ; to make way s'écarter ; to make way for sb/sth faire place à qn/qch ; make way for the mayor! place au maire! ; make way! make way! place! place! ; it's time he made way for someone younger il est temps qu'il laisse la place à quelqu'un de plus jeune ;4 ( distance) distance f ; it's a long way c'est loin (to jusqu'à) ; it's not a very long way ce n'est pas très loin ; to be a short way off lit être près ; my birthday is still some way off mon anniversaire est encore loin ; we still have some way to go before doing lit, fig nous avons encore du chemin à faire avant de faire ; to go all the way on foot/by bus faire tout le chemin à pied/en bus ; to go all the way to China with sb faire tout le voyage jusqu'en Chine avec qn ; there are cafés all the way along the road il y a des cafés tout le long de la rue ; I'm with you ou behind you all the way je suis de tout cœur avec toi, je te soutiendrai jusqu'au bout ; to go all the way ○ ( have sex) [two people] coucher ensemble ; to go all the way with sb ○ coucher avec qn ;5 ( manner of doing something) façon f, manière f ; do it this/that way fais-le comme ceci/cela ; you won't convince her that way tu ne vas pas la convaincre de cette façon or manière ; which way shall I do it? de quelle façon or manière dois-je le faire? ; let me explain it another way laisse-moi t'expliquer autrement ; to do sth the French way faire qch comme les Français ; to do sth the right/wrong way faire bien/mal qch ; you're going about it the wrong way tu t'y prends très mal ; he said it in such a hostile way that… il l'a dit de façon tellement hostile que… ; in the usual way de la façon habituelle ; let her do it her way laisse-la faire à sa façon or manière ; that's not her way ce n'est pas sa façon de faire ; try to see it my way mets-toi à ma place ; in his/her/its own way à sa façon ; they're nice people in their own way ce sont des gens sympathiques à leur façon ; to have a way with sth s'y connaître en qch ; to have a way with children savoir s'y prendre avec les enfants ; she certainly has a way with her ○ GB elle sait décidément s'y prendre avec les gens ; a way of doing ( method) une façon or manière de faire ; ( means) un moyen de faire ; there's no way of knowing/judging il n'y a pas moyen de savoir/juger ; to my way of thinking à mon avis ; that's one way of looking at it c'est une façon de voir les choses ; a way to do une façon or manière de faire ; what a horrible way to die quelle façon horrible de mourir ; that's the way to do it! voilà comment il faut s'y prendre! ; that's the way! voilà, c'est bien! ; way to go ○ ! US voilà qui est bien ○ ! ; that's no way to treat a child ce n'est pas une façon de traiter les enfants ; what a way to run a company! en voilà une façon de gérer une entreprise! ; the way (that) sb does sth la façon or manière dont qn fait qch ; I like the way he dresses j'aime la façon dont il s'habille, j'aime sa façon de s'habiller ; I like the way you blame me! iron c'est toi qui me fais des reproches! ; that's not the way we do things here ce n'est pas notre façon de faire ici ; whichever way you look at it de quelque façon que tu envisages les choses ; either way, she's wrong de toute façon, elle a tort ; one way or another d'une façon ou d'une autre ; one way and another it's been rather eventful tout compte fait ça a été assez mouvementé ; I don't care one way or the other ça m'est égal ; no two ways about it cela ne fait aucun doute ; you can't have it both ways on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre ; no way ○ ! pas question ○ ! ; no way am I doing that ○ ! pas question que je fasse ça ○ ! ;6 (respect, aspect) sens m ; in a way it's sad en un sens or d'une certaine façon c'est triste ; in a way that's true/she was responsible dans une certaine mesure c'est vrai/elle était responsable ; can I help in any way? puis-je faire quoi que ce soit? ; would it make things easier in any way if… est-ce que cela simplifierait un peu les choses si… ; without wanting to criticize in any way sans vouloir le moins du monde critiquer ; it was unforgivable in every way c'était impardonnable à tous points de vue ; in every way possible dans la mesure du possible ; in many ways à bien des égards ; in more ways than one à plus d'un égard ; in some ways à certains égards ; in that way you're right à cet égard or en ce sens tu as raison ; in no way, not in any way aucunement, en aucune façon ; in no way are you to blame ce n'est aucunement ta faute ; this is in no way a criticism cela n'est en aucune façon une critique ; not much in the way of news/work il n'y a pas beaucoup de nouvelles/travail ; what have you got in the way of drinks? qu'est-ce que vous avez comme boissons or à boire? ; by way of light relief en guise de divertissement ; in a general way ( generally) en général ; in the ordinary way ( ordinarily) d'ordinaire ;7 (custom, manner) coutume f, manière f ; you'll soon get used to our ways tu t'habitueras vite à nos coutumes ; the old ways les coutumes d'autrefois ; that's the modern way c'est la coutume d'aujourd'hui, c'est comme ça de nos jours ; I know all her little ways je connais toutes ses petites habitudes ; he's rather strange in his ways il a des habitudes un peu bizarres ; she's got a funny way of suddenly raising her voice elle a une façon curieuse d'élever brusquement la voix ; that's just his way il est comme ça ; it's not my way to complain but… ce n'est pas mon genre or dans mes habitudes de me plaindre mais… ; it's the way of the world c'est la vie, ainsi va le monde ;8 (will, desire) to get one's way, to have one's own way faire à son idée ; she likes (to have) her own way elle aime n'en faire qu'à sa tête ; if I had my way… si cela ne tenait qu'à moi… ; have it your (own) way comme tu voudras ; she didn't have it all her own way elle n'a pas pu en faire qu'à son idée ; Leeds had things all their own way Sport Leeds a complètement dominé le match ; to have one's (wicked) way with sb† ou hum arriver à ses fins avec qn.B adv to live way beyond one's means vivre largement au-dessus de ses moyens ; we went way over budget le budget a été largement dépassé ; to be way out (in guess, estimate) [person] être loin du compte ; to be way more expensive/dangerous être bien plus coûteux/dangereux ; to go way beyond what is necessary aller bien au-delà de ce qui est nécessaire ; that's way out of order je trouve ça un peu fort.C by the way adv phr [tell, mention] en passant ; by the way,… à propos,… ; what time is it, by the way? quelle heure est-il, au fait? ; and she, by the way, is French et elle, à propos, est française ; but that's just by the way mais ce n'est qu'une parenthèse. -
12 frayer
frayer [fʀeje]➭ TABLE 81. reflexive verb2. intransitive verba. [poisson] to spawn* * *fʀɛje
frayer le chemin or la voie à quelque chose — fig to pave the way for something
verbe intransitif1) ( entretenir des relations)2) Zoologie [femelle] to spawn; [mâle] to fertilize the eggs
se frayer un chemin dans or à travers — to make one's way through
* * *fʀeje1. vtto open up, to clear2. vi1) [poisson] to spawn2) (= fréquenter)frayer avec — to mix with, to associate with
* * *frayer verb table: payerA vtr frayer un passage à qn à travers la foule/un bois to clear a path for sb through the crowd/the woods; fig frayer le chemin or la voie à qch to pave the way for sth; Zool [cerf] to fray.B vi1 ( entretenir des relations) frayer avec to be friendly with; il ne fraye pas avec ces gens-là he doesn't mix with that sort of person;2 Zool [femelle] to spawn; [mâle] to fertilize the eggs.C se frayer vpr lit ( s'ouvrir) se frayer un chemin dans or à travers un champ/une salle to make one's way across a field/a room; se frayer un chemin dans or à travers la foule/forêt to make one's way through the crowd/forest; se frayer une voie à travers les pièges de la vie to make one's way through life's pitfalls.[frɛje] verbe transitif[route, voie] to clear————————[frɛje] verbe intransitif————————frayer avec verbe plus prépositionto associate with (separable)————————se frayer verbe pronominal transitifse frayer un chemin ou un passage dans la foule to force ou to push one's way through the crowd -
13 ouvrir
ouvrir [uvʀiʀ]➭ TABLE 181. transitive verba. to open ; [+ verrou, porte fermée à clé] to unlock ; [+ veste] to undo ; [+ horizons, perspectives] to open up ; [+ procession] to lead ; [+ eau, électricité, gaz, radio, télévision] to turn on• l'ouvrir (inf!) to open one's mouth• ouvrir sa gueule (vulg!) to open one's mouth2. intransitive verb• on a frappé, va ouvrir ! there's someone at the door, go and open it!3. reflexive verb► s'ouvrirb. ( = se blesser) to cut openc. ( = devenir accessible) s'ouvrir à [+ amour, art, problèmes économiques] to open one's mind tod. ( = se confier) s'ouvrir à qn de qch to open up to sb about sth* * *uvʀiʀ
1) gén to open [boîte, porte, bouteille, tiroir, huître, lettre]; to draw back [verrou]; to undo [col, chemise]ne pas ouvrir la bouche or le bec — (colloq) ( ne rien dire) not to say a word
ouvrir les bras à quelqu'un — ( accueillir) to welcome somebody with open arms
2) ( commencer) to open [débat, spectacle, cérémonie, chantier]; to intitiate [période, dialogue, processus]3) ( mettre en marche) to turn on [radio, chauffage]4) ( créer) to open [compte, magasin, école]; to open up [possibilité, marché, passage]; to initiate [cours]ouvrir la route or voie à quelque chose — to pave the way for something
5) ( élargir) to open [capital, rangs] (à to); to open up [compétition, marché] (à to)6) ( entailler) to open [abcès]; to cut open [joue]ouvrir le ventre (colloq) à quelqu'un — ( opérer) to cut somebody open (colloq)
verbe intransitif1) ( ouvrir la porte) to open the door (à to)ouvrez! — ( injonction) open up!
2) ( fonctionner) [magasin, service] to open3) ( être créé) [magasin, service] to be opened5) Finance6) (aux cartes, échecs) to open
s'ouvrir verbe pronominal1) gén to open; ( sous un souffle) [fenêtre] to blow open; ( sous un choc) [porte, boîte, sac] to fly open; ( inopinément) [vêtement] to come undone2) ( commencer) [négociation, spectacle, chantier] to open (sur, avec with); [période, dialogue, processus] to be initiated (sur, avec with)3) ( s'élargir) [pays, économie, capital, institution] to open up (à, vers to)4) ( se confier) to open one's heart (à to)5) ( être ouvrant) [fenêtre, toit] to open6) ( être créé) [magasin, métro, possibilité] to open7) ( créer pour soi) [personne] to open up [passage]8) ( se dérouler) [chemin, voie, espace] to open up9) ( s'épanouir) [fleur] to open10) ( se fendre) [sol, cicatrice] to open up11) ( se blesser) [personne] to cut open [crâne, pied]s'ouvrir les veines or poignets — ( pour se suicider) to slash one's wrists
* * *uvʀiʀ1. vt1) [fenêtre, porte, yeux] to openElle a ouvert la porte. — She opened the door.
2) [bouteille, paquet, livre] to open3) fig, [intellect, esprit] to broaden4) [rideaux] to open5) [veste, manteau] to undo6) [brèche, passage, voie] to open up7) [eau, électricité, chauffage] to turn on8) [magasin] to open, to open up9) [abcès] to open up, to cut open10) (par blessure)11) (= initier) [débat, dialogue, négociation] to open, to open upouvrir une enquête DROIT — to open an inquiry
ouvrir une procédure DROIT — to initiate proceedings, to start proceedings
ouvrir une session INFORMATIQUE — to log in, to log on
2. vi1) (pour accueillir quelqu'un) to answer the doorVa ouvrir, on a sonné. — Go and answer the door, the doorbell rang.
2) [porte, fenêtre, couvercle] to openCette porte ouvre mal. — This door doesn't open properly.
3) (= magasin) to openIls ouvrent à 9h. — They open at 9 am.
4)ouvrir sur [pièce, terrasse] — to open onto, [livre, film] to open with
5) CARTES* * *ouvrir verb table: couvrirA vtr1 gén to open [boîte, porte, bouteille, tiroir, huître, parachute, lettre]; to draw back [verrou]; to undo [col, chemise, fermeture à glissière]; ouvrir la bouche to open one's mouth; ne pas ouvrir la bouche ( ne rien dire) not to say a word; ouvrir le bec○ or sa gueule◑, l'ouvrir◑ to open one's trap○ ou gob◑ GB; il faut toujours qu'il l'ouvre◑ au mauvais moment he always opens his trap○ ou big mouth○ at the wrong time; ouvrir ses oreilles to keep one's ears open; ouvrir les bras to open one's arms; ouvrir les bras à qn ( accueillir) to welcome sb with open arms; ouvrir sa maison à qn ( accueillir) to throw one's house open to sb; (se) faire ouvrir une porte to get a door open; ⇒ grand C;2 ( commencer) to open [débat, négociation, spectacle, cérémonie, marque, chantier]; to intitiate [période, dialogue, processus, campagne]; ouvrir la marque à la cinquième minute to open the scoring in the fifth minute;3 ( mettre en marche) to turn on [radio, chauffage, gaz, lumière];4 ( créer) to open [compte, magasin, école, souscription, poste]; to open up [possibilité, perspective, marché, passage]; to initiate [cours]; ouvrir une ligne de crédit to open a line of credit; ouvrir un nouveau cours de gestion to initiate a new management course; ouvrir la route to open up the road; ouvrir une route to build a road; ouvrir la route or voie à qch to pave the way for sth;5 ( élargir) to open [capital, actionnariat, jeu politique, rangs] (à to); to open up [compétition, marché] (à to); ouvrir le ciel européen aux compagnies américaines to open up the European skies to American carriers; ouvrir ses rangs aux femmes to welcome women into one's ranks; ouvrir l'esprit à qn to open sb's mind;6 ( entailler) to open [abcès]; to cut open [joue]; ouvrir le ventre à qn○ ( opérer) to cut sb open○.B vi1 ( ouvrir la porte) to open the door (à to); va ouvrir go and open the door; n'ouvre à personne don't open the door to anyone; ouvrez! ( injonction) open up!; ouvre-moi! let me in!; se faire ouvrir to be let in;2 ( fonctionner) [magasin, service] to open; ouvrir le dimanche to open on Sundays;3 ( être créé) [magasin, service] to be opened; une succursale ouvrira bientôt a branch will soon be opened;4 ( déboucher) [chambre, tunnel] to open (sur onto); ouvrir sur le jardin to open on to the garden GB ou yard US;5 Fin la Bourse a ouvert en baisse/hausse the exchange opened down/up;6 (aux cartes, échecs) to open.C s'ouvrir vpr1 gén [boîte, porte, fenêtre, tiroir, huître, parachute] to open; ( sous un souffle) [fenêtre] to blow open; ( sous un choc) [porte, boîte, sac] to fly open; ( inopinément) [vêtement] to come undone;2 ( commencer) [négociation, spectacle, chantier] to open (sur, avec with); [période, dialogue, processus] to be initiated (sur, avec with); le film s'ouvre sur un paysage the film opens with a landscape; le festival s'ouvrira sur un discours the festival will open with a speech;3 ( s'élargir) [pays, économie, capital, institution] to open up (à, vers to); s'ouvrir à l'Est/aux nouvelles technologies to open up to the East/to new technologies;4 ( se confier) to open one's heart (à to); ouvrez-vous en à elle open your heart to her about it;5 ( être ouvrant) [fenêtre, toit] to open; ma valise/jupe s'ouvre sur le côté my suitcase/skirt opens at the side;6 ○( être mis en marche) comment est- ce que le chauffage s'ouvre? how do you turn on the heating?; où est-ce que la lumière s'ouvre? where do you turn on the light?;7 ( être créé) [magasin, métro, possibilité] to open; un garage va s'ouvrir ici there's going to be a garage here;8 ( créer pour soi) [personne] to open up [passage];9 ( se dérouler) [chemin, voie, espace] to open up; une nouvelle voie s'ouvre devant nous a new path is opening up before us;10 ( s'épanouir) [fleur] to open;11 ( se fendre) [sol, cicatrice] to open up; [mer] to part; la mer s'ouvrit devant eux the sea parted in front of them;12 ( se blesser) [personne] to cut open [crâne, pied]; il a réussi à s'ouvrir le crâne he managed to cut his head open; s'ouvrir les veines or poignets ( pour se suicider) to slash one's wrists.[uvrir] verbe transitif1. [portail, tiroir, capot de voiture, fenêtre] to openil ouvrit la porte d'un coup d'épaule he shouldered the door open, he forced the door (open) with his shoulderje suis allé ouvrir chez les Loriot avant qu'ils rentrent de voyage I went and opened up the Loriots' house before they came back from their tripc'est moi, ouvre it's me, open the door ou let me in2. [bouteille, pot, porte-monnaie] to open[coquillage] to open (up) (separable)3. [déplier - éventail] to open ; [ - carte routière] to open (up) (separable), to unfold ; [ - livre] to open (up) (separable)4. [desserrer, écarter - compas, paupières] to open ; [ - rideau] to open, to draw back (separable) ; [ - aile, bras] to open (out) (separable), to spread (out) (separable) ; [ - mains] to open (out) (separable)le matin, j'ai du mal à ouvrir les yeux [à me réveiller] I find it difficult to wake up in the morningouvrir de grands yeux [être surpris] to be wide-eyedouvrez grands vos yeux [soyez attentifs] keep your eyes peeled5. [commencer - hostilités] to open, to begin ; [ - campagne, récit, enquête] to open, to start ; [ - bal, festival, conférence, saison de chasse] to openils refusent d'ouvrir leur marché aux produits européens they refuse to open up their market to European productspourquoi ne pas ouvrir cette formation à de jeunes chômeurs? why not make this form of training available to young unemployed people?le diplôme vous ouvre de nombreuses possibilités the diploma opens up a whole range of possibilities for you7. [créer - boutique, cinéma, infrastructure] to open ; [ - entreprise] to open, to set up (separable)8. [faire fonctionner - radiateur, robinet] to turn on (separable) ; [ - circuit électrique] to open9. [être en tête de - défilé, procession] to lead11. SPORTouvrir la marque ou le scorea. [généralement] to open the scoringouvrir un droit à quelqu'un [dans les assurances] to entitle somebody to a claimb. [commencer le jeu] to open ou to lead with a heart————————[uvrir] verbe intransitif1. [boutique, restaurant, spectacle] to (be) openla chasse au faisan/la conférence ouvrira en septembre the pheasant season/the conference will open in September2. [couvercle, fenêtre, porte] to openle portail ouvre mal the gate is difficult to open ou doesn't open properly————————ouvrir sur verbe plus préposition1. [déboucher sur] to open ontole vasistas ouvre sur le parking the fanlight opens onto ou looks out over the car park2. [commencer par] to open with3. SPORTouvrir sur l'aile gauche to release the ball on the blind side/to the left wing————————s'ouvrir verbe pronominal (emploi passif)1. [boîte, valise] to open[chemisier, fermeture] to come undonela fenêtre de ma chambre s'ouvre mal the window in my room is difficult to open ou doesn't open properly2. [être inauguré] to open————————s'ouvrir verbe pronominal transitif[se couper - personne]s'ouvrir les veines to slash ou to cut one's wrists————————s'ouvrir verbe pronominal intransitif1. [se desserrer, se déplier - bras, fleur, huître, main] to open ; [ - aile] to open (out), to spread, to unfold ; [ - bouche, œil, paupière, livre, rideau] to open3. [boîte, valise - accidentellement] to (come) open4. [fenêtre, portail] to openla fenêtre s'ouvrit brusquement the window flew ou was flung ou was thrown openla porte s'ouvre sur la pièce/dans le couloir the door opens into the room/out into the corridor5. [s'épancher] to open ups'ouvrir à quelqu'un de quelque chose to open one's heart to somebody about something, to confide in somebody about something6. [débuter - bal, conférence]s'ouvrir par to open ou to start with7. [se présenter - carrière] to open up————————s'ouvrir à verbe pronominal plus préposition[des idées, des influences] -
14 lit
lit [li]1. masculine nouna. ( = meuble) bed• lit d'une personne or à une place single bed• lit de deux personnes or à deux places double bed• aller or se mettre au lit to go to bed• au lit, les enfants ! off to bed children!• tu es tombé du lit ! you're up bright and early!b. ( = mariage) enfants du premier lit children of the first marriagec. [de rivière] bed2. compounds* * *linom masculin1) ( meuble) bedlit à une place or d'une personne — single bed
lit à deux places or de deux personnes — double bed
aller or se mettre au lit — to go to bed
tirer quelqu'un du lit — lit to drag somebody out of bed
au lit! — ( à un enfant) bedtime!
2) ( structure) bed3) ( literie) bed4) ( unité d'accueil) bed7) Géographie ( de cours d'eau) bed•Phrasal Verbs:••comme on fait son lit on se couche — Proverbe as you make your bed so you must lie in it Proverbe
* * *li nm1) (= meuble) bedJe n'ai pas eu le temps de faire mon lit ce matin. — I didn't have time to make my bed this morning.
2) DROIT3) [rivière] bedle lit de la rivière — the river bed, the bed of the river
4) (= couche) bed* * *lit nm1 ( meuble) bed; lit à une place or d'une personne single bed; lit à deux places or de deux personnes double bed; lit dur/moelleux hard/soft bed; aller or se mettre au lit to go to bed; garder le lit to stay in bed; être/rester/fumer au lit to be/stay/smoke in bed; mettre qn au lit to put sb to bed; tirer qn du lit lit to drag sb out of bed; le réveil le tira du lit the alarm got him out of bed; elle est pas mal au lit◑ she's pretty good in bed○; il voudrait bien la mettre or l'avoir dans son lit○ he would like to get her into bed; au lit! ( à un enfant) bedtime!;2 ( structure) bed; lit métallique/en acajou metal/mahogany bed;3 ( literie) bed; faire/défaire un lit to make/unmake a bed; le lit était tout défait the bedclothes were rumpled; le lit n'était pas défait the bed had not been slept in;4 ( unité d'accueil) bed; un hôtel/hôpital de 300 lits a 300-bed hotel/hospital; cette station offre 2 500 lits there are 2,500 beds available in this resort;7 Géog ( de cours d'eau) bed; la rivière est sortie de son lit the river has overflowed its banks; détourner un fleuve de son lit to alter the course of a river;8 ( direction du vent) set.lit à baldaquin four-poster bed; lit bateau sleigh bed; lit breton = lit clos; lit de camp camp bed GB, cot US; lit clos box bed; lit de douleur liter bed of pain; lit empilable stacking bed; lit d'enfant cot GB, crib US; lit fluvial Géog riverbed; lit gigogne hideaway bed; lit mécanique adjustable bed GB, hospital bed US; lit de mort death-bed; lit pliant folding bed; lit en portefeuille apple-pie bed; lit de repos day-bed; lits superposés bunk bed.[li] nom masculin1. [meuble] bedlit en pin/en fer pine/iron bedgarder le lit, rester au lit to stay ou to be in bedenvoyer/mettre quelqu'un au lit to send/to put somebody to bedmaintenant, au lit! come on now, it's bedtime!le lit est/n'est pas défait the bed has/hasn't been slept inlit de jour ou de repos daybedlit à une personne ou place single bedlit à deux places ou pour deux personnes double bedlits superposés bunk bed, bunkscomme on fait son lit on se couche (proverbe) as you make your bed, so you must lie in it (proverbe)2. DROIT [mariage]enfant d'un premier/deuxième lit child of a first/second marriagelit de feuilles/mousse bed of leaves/moss4. GÉOGRAPHIE bedla rivière est sortie de son lit the river has burst ou overflowed its banks5. NAUTIQUEle lit du vent the set of the wind, the wind's eye -
15 preparar
v.1 to prepare.voy a preparar la cena/el arroz I'm going to get dinner ready/cook the ricele hemos preparado una sorpresa we've got a surprise for himElla prepara la ropa She prepares the clothes.Ella preparó la carne ayer She prepared=seasoned the meat yesterday.2 to prepare for (examen).3 to train (sport).La agencia preparó al espía The Agency trained the spy.4 to arrange for, to organize, to prepare.Ella prepara el viaje She arranges for the trip.* * *1 to prepare, get ready■ ¿habéis preparado el viaje? have you arranged the trip?2 (enseñar) to teach3 DEPORTE (entrenar) to train, coach4 (estudiar) to revise for, work for■ ¿has preparado el examen de inglés? have you studied for the English exam?\preparar oposiciones to study for competitive exams* * *verb1) to prepare2) coach, train* * *1. VT1) (=dejar listo) [+ comida] to make, prepare; [+ habitación, casa] to prepare, get ready; [+ compuesto, derivado] (Quím) to prepare, make upestoy preparando la cena — I'm making o preparing dinner, I'm getting dinner ready
¿te preparo un café? — shall I make you a coffee?
terreno 2., 4)¿me puedes preparar la cuenta, por favor? — can you make my bill up, please?
2) (=organizar) [+ acción, viaje] to prepare; [+ ejemplar, revista] to prepare, work ontardaron semanas en preparar el atraco — it took them weeks to set up o prepare the robbery
estamos preparando el siguiente número de la revista — we're working on o preparing the next issue of the magazine
3) (=instruir) [para un partido] to train, coach; [para examen, oposición] to coach, tutorlleva meses preparando al equipo — he has been training o coaching the team for months
la están preparando en una academia — they are preparing o coaching her in a private school, she is being tutored in a private school
4) [+ examen, prueba] to study for, prepare forllevo semanas preparando este examen — I have been studying o preparing for this exam for weeks
2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) < plato> to make, prepare; < comida> to prepare, get... ready; < medicamento> to prepare, make up; < habitación> to prepare, get... ready; < cuenta> to draw up (AmE), make up (BrE)2) <examen/prueba> to prepare3) < persona> ( para examen) to tutor, coach (BrE); ( para partido) to train, coach, prepare; (para tarea, reto) to prepare2.prepararse v pron1) tormenta/crisis to brew2) (refl) ( disponerse)se preparó para darle la mala noticia — he got ready o prepared himself to give her the bad news
3) (refl) ( formarse) to prepareprepararse para algo — <para examen/competición> to prepare for something
* * *= draw, draw up, gear (to/toward(s)/for), prepare, put together, train, marshal, set + aside, brief, coach, tool up, groom, brew, ready, concoct, gird for.Ex. For example, when setting up the format for records in a data base, the user can draw a form on the screen, complete with headings for each field, and then, the data is entered into the form.Ex. At the IFLA General Council the two Sections drew up the terms of reference and proposed as members some ten representatives of national libraries.Ex. Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.Ex. A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.Ex. I have many people to acknowledge, beginning with my co-editor who offered untiring support and many useful suggestions in putting together the institutes.Ex. The larger abstracting organisations train their own abstractors.Ex. The use of new information technologies ought to be marshalled for use in the developing countries.Ex. We set aside places to sleep and cook and wash and defecate.Ex. This may or may not be the case, but particularly in these areas staff must be informed and briefed so that misunderstandings do not arise.Ex. The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources = Los continuos cambios de nuestro entorno están obligando a muchos bibliotecarios a encontrar nuevas estrategias para guiar a los investigadores por el laberinto de las fuentes de información electrónicas.Ex. The article is entitled ' Tooling up for a revolution'.Ex. Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qaeda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden.Ex. The goddess owned a potent magick cauldron in which she planned to brew a special liquid for her ugly son.Ex. A woman died yesterday while being readied for cosmetic surgery.Ex. Their unquenchable thirst for revenge enabled them to concoct a diabolical scheme.Ex. Australia's government girded on Monday for a battle with miners over its plan to slap the industry with a new 40 percent profits tax.----* preparar a la brasa = grill, broil.* preparar a la parrilla = grill, broil.* preparar a la plancha = griddle.* preparar algo = put + a few things + together.* preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.* preparar el camino = set + the scene, smooth + the way, open + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the way (for/towards/to), pave + the road (for/towards/to).* preparar el camino para = smooth + the path of.* preparar el terreno = pave + the way (for/towards/to), set + the scene, clear + the path, smooth + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the path (for/towards/to), lay + the groundwork for, pave + the road (for/towards/to), clear + the way.* preparar el terreno para = lead up to, smooth + the path of, clear + the ground for, fertilise + the ground for.* preparar en el microondas = microwave.* preparar la comida = cook + meal.* preparar para el futuro = future-proof.* preparar rápidamente = rustle up.* prepararse = do + homework, brace + Reflexivo, get + ready.* prepararse para = gear up for, ready + Reflexivo + to/for, saddle up for, brace for, get + ready to.* prepararse para el futuro = embrace + the future.* prepararse para la tormenta = batten down, batten down + the hatches.* prepararse para lo peor = batten down, batten down + the hatches.* preparar una defensa = mount + defence.* preparar una ensalada = toss + a salad.* preparar una superficie de nuevo = resurface.* preparar un ataque = mount + attack.* preparar una tela = dress + cloth.* preparar un contraataque = mount + counterattack.* preparar un trabajo de clase = research + paper.* prepárate = get + ready.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) < plato> to make, prepare; < comida> to prepare, get... ready; < medicamento> to prepare, make up; < habitación> to prepare, get... ready; < cuenta> to draw up (AmE), make up (BrE)2) <examen/prueba> to prepare3) < persona> ( para examen) to tutor, coach (BrE); ( para partido) to train, coach, prepare; (para tarea, reto) to prepare2.prepararse v pron1) tormenta/crisis to brew2) (refl) ( disponerse)se preparó para darle la mala noticia — he got ready o prepared himself to give her the bad news
3) (refl) ( formarse) to prepareprepararse para algo — <para examen/competición> to prepare for something
* * *= draw, draw up, gear (to/toward(s)/for), prepare, put together, train, marshal, set + aside, brief, coach, tool up, groom, brew, ready, concoct, gird for.Ex: For example, when setting up the format for records in a data base, the user can draw a form on the screen, complete with headings for each field, and then, the data is entered into the form.
Ex: At the IFLA General Council the two Sections drew up the terms of reference and proposed as members some ten representatives of national libraries.Ex: Most of the main subject headings lists are geared to the alphabetical subject approach found in dictionary catalogues.Ex: A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.Ex: I have many people to acknowledge, beginning with my co-editor who offered untiring support and many useful suggestions in putting together the institutes.Ex: The larger abstracting organisations train their own abstractors.Ex: The use of new information technologies ought to be marshalled for use in the developing countries.Ex: We set aside places to sleep and cook and wash and defecate.Ex: This may or may not be the case, but particularly in these areas staff must be informed and briefed so that misunderstandings do not arise.Ex: The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources = Los continuos cambios de nuestro entorno están obligando a muchos bibliotecarios a encontrar nuevas estrategias para guiar a los investigadores por el laberinto de las fuentes de información electrónicas.Ex: The article is entitled ' Tooling up for a revolution'.Ex: Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qaeda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden.Ex: The goddess owned a potent magick cauldron in which she planned to brew a special liquid for her ugly son.Ex: A woman died yesterday while being readied for cosmetic surgery.Ex: Their unquenchable thirst for revenge enabled them to concoct a diabolical scheme.Ex: Australia's government girded on Monday for a battle with miners over its plan to slap the industry with a new 40 percent profits tax.* preparar a la brasa = grill, broil.* preparar a la parrilla = grill, broil.* preparar a la plancha = griddle.* preparar algo = put + a few things + together.* preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.* preparar el camino = set + the scene, smooth + the way, open + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the way (for/towards/to), pave + the road (for/towards/to).* preparar el camino para = smooth + the path of.* preparar el terreno = pave + the way (for/towards/to), set + the scene, clear + the path, smooth + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the path (for/towards/to), lay + the groundwork for, pave + the road (for/towards/to), clear + the way.* preparar el terreno para = lead up to, smooth + the path of, clear + the ground for, fertilise + the ground for.* preparar en el microondas = microwave.* preparar la comida = cook + meal.* preparar para el futuro = future-proof.* preparar rápidamente = rustle up.* prepararse = do + homework, brace + Reflexivo, get + ready.* prepararse para = gear up for, ready + Reflexivo + to/for, saddle up for, brace for, get + ready to.* prepararse para el futuro = embrace + the future.* prepararse para la tormenta = batten down, batten down + the hatches.* prepararse para lo peor = batten down, batten down + the hatches.* preparar una defensa = mount + defence.* preparar una ensalada = toss + a salad.* preparar una superficie de nuevo = resurface.* preparar un ataque = mount + attack.* preparar una tela = dress + cloth.* preparar un contraataque = mount + counterattack.* preparar un trabajo de clase = research + paper.* prepárate = get + ready.* * *preparar [A1 ]vtA ‹plato› to make, prepare; ‹comida› to prepare, get … ready; ‹medicamento› to prepare, make uptengo que preparar la comida I have to get lunch ready o make lunchnos había preparado un postre riquísimo he had made a delicious dessert for uspreparó la habitación para los invitados she prepared the room o got the room ready for the guestsverás la sorpresa que te tengo preparada just wait till you see the surprise I've got (waiting) for youprepáreme la cuenta por favor can you draw up my check, please? ( AmE), can you make up my bill, please? ( BrE)B ‹examen/prueba› to prepareha preparado la asignatura a fondo she's prepared the subject very thoroughlyprepara su participación en los campeonatos he is training o preparing for the championshipsC ‹persona› (para un examen) to tutor, coach ( BrE); (para un partido) to train, coach, prepare; (para una tarea, un reto) to prepareno ha sabido preparar a los hijos para la vida he has failed to prepare his children for life¿sabes quién la prepara para el examen? do you know who's tutoring o coaching her for the exam?antes de darle la noticia habrá que prepararla the news will have to be broken to her gentlyno estaba preparada para esa grata sorpresa she wasn't prepared for o expecting such a pleasant surpriseA «tormenta» to brewse prepara una crisis en la zona there's a crisis brewing in the regionB ( refl)(disponerse): prepárate que me vas a escuchar just you listen to me!prepararse PARA algo to get ready FOR sthse preparó para darle la mala noticia he got ready o prepared himself to give her the bad newsC ( refl) (formarse) to preparese prepara para el examen de ingreso en la Universidad she's preparing for the University entrance examinationse prepara para las Olimpiadas he is training o preparing for the Olympicsno se ha preparado bien (para) la prueba she hasn't studied hard enough o done enough work for the test, she isn't well enough prepared for the test* * *
preparar ( conjugate preparar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹ plato› to make, prepare;
‹ comida› to prepare, get … ready;
‹ medicamento› to prepare, make up;
‹ habitación› to prepare, get … ready;
‹ cuenta› to draw up (AmE), make up (BrE)
2 ‹examen/prueba› to prepare
3 ‹ persona› ( para examen) to tutor, coach (BrE);
( para partido) to train, coach, prepare;
(para tarea, reto) to prepare
prepararse verbo pronominal
1 ( refl) ( disponerse): prepararse PARA algo to get ready for sth
2 ( refl) ( formarse) to prepare;
prepararse para algo ‹para examen/competición› to prepare for sth
preparar verbo transitivo
1 to prepare, get ready
preparar una fiesta, to prepare a party
2 Dep to train, coach
' preparar' also found in these entries:
- despreocuparse
- disponer
- planear
- sabática
- sabático
- terrena
- terreno
- urdir
- arreglar
- corresponder
- hacer
- coach
- concoct
- cook
- detailed
- draw up
- fix
- get
- groom
- lay out
- make
- make out
- make up
- microwave
- mix
- prep
- prepare
- prime
- rind
- roll out
- set
- study
- way
- whip up
- add
- can
- curry
- dispense
- do
- draft
- draw
- dress
- ease
- equip
- gear
- mount
- plan
- put
- ready
- run
* * *♦ vt1. [disponer, elaborar] to prepare;[trampa] to set, to lay; [maletas] to pack;estaban preparando un robo they were planning a robbery;voy a preparar la cena/el arroz I'm going to get dinner ready/cook the rice;nos preparó una cena estupenda she made o cooked a delicious evening meal for us;¿quién prepara la comida en tu casa? who does the cooking in your household?;le hemos preparado una sorpresa we've got a surprise for you2. [examen, oposiciones, prueba] to prepare for3. [entrenar, adiestrar] [físicamente] to train;[tácticamente] to coach; [alumnos] to coach; [animales] to train;no nos habían preparado para solucionar este tipo de problemas we hadn't been taught to solve this type of problem* * *v/t prepare, get ready* * *preparar vt1) : to prepare, to make ready2) : to teach, to train, to coach* * *preparar vb1. (en general) to prepare / to get ready2. (entrenar) to train / to coach -
16 terreno
adj.earthly, worldly.m.1 lot, terrain, land, patch.2 soil, ground.3 terrain, ground.* * *► adjetivo1 worldly, earthly2 GEOGRAFÍA terrain4 DEPORTE field, ground5 figurado (esfera de acción) field, sphere\ceder terreno figurado to give wayconocer el terreno figurado to be familiar with somethingestar en su propio terreno figurado to be on home groundganar terreno / perder terreno to gain ground / lose groundhacer algo sobre el terreno to do something on the spot 2 figurado to improvise somethingsaber uno el terreno que pisa figurado to know what one's doingpreparar el terreno figurado to pave the way, prepare the groundser terreno abonado (para algo) figurado to be receptive (to something)terreno conocido figurado familiar ground————————2 GEOGRAFÍA terrain4 DEPORTE field, ground5 figurado (esfera de acción) field, sphere* * *noun m.1) terrain2) ground, land3) plot* * *1. ADJ1) (Rel) [bienes] earthlyesta vida terrena — this earthly life liter
2) (Bio, Geol) terrestrial2. SM1) (=extensión de tierra) [gen] land; (=parcela) piece of land, plot of landnos hemos comprado un terreno en las afueras — we've bought a piece of land o plot of land o some land on the outskirts of the city
2) [explicando sus características] (=relieve) ground, terrain; (=composición) soil, landun terreno pedregoso — stony ground o terrain
3) (=campo)a) [de estudio] fieldb) [de actividad] sphere, fieldel gobierno debe tomar medidas urgentes en el terreno económico — the government must take urgent measures in the economic sphere o field
la competencia de las empresas extranjeras en todos los terrenos — competition from foreign companies in all areas
en cuanto a las pensiones, se ha avanzado poco en este terreno — as for pensions, little progress has been made in this area
4)- vencer a algn en su propio terrenoterreno abonado —
dichas tendencias han encontrado el terreno abonado entre la juventud — these trends have found a fertile breeding ground amongst the young
este país es terreno abonado para las inversiones extranjeras — this country provides rich pickings for foreign investment
5) (Dep)el equipo tuvo una nueva derrota fuera de su terreno — the team suffered a fresh defeat away (from home)
terreno de juego — pitch, field
* * *I- na adjetivoa) (Relig) earthlyb) ( no marino o aéreo) terrestrial (frml), land (before n)II1) (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot (AmE)el terreno llega hasta el río — the land o plot o lot extends as far as the river
2) ( extensión de tierra) land3)a) (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain; ( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soilallanarle el terreno a alguien — to smooth the way o path for somebody
ceder/ganar/perder terreno — to give/gain/lose ground
estar en su (propio) terreno — to be on one's own ground
minarle or socavarle el terreno a alguien — to cut the ground from under somebody's feet
pisar terreno firme/peligroso — to tread on safe/dangerous ground
prepararle el terreno a alguien/algo — to pave the way for somebody/something
sobre el terreno: estudiar sobre el terreno una situación to make an on-the-spot assessment of a situation; haremos planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go along; tantear el terreno — to see how the land lies
b) (Geol) terrane, terrain4) (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field* * *(n.) = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of landEx. This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.Ex. Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.Ex. Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.Ex. These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.Ex. Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.Ex. A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.Ex. The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.Ex. So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.* * *I- na adjetivoa) (Relig) earthlyb) ( no marino o aéreo) terrestrial (frml), land (before n)II1) (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot (AmE)el terreno llega hasta el río — the land o plot o lot extends as far as the river
2) ( extensión de tierra) land3)a) (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain; ( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soilallanarle el terreno a alguien — to smooth the way o path for somebody
ceder/ganar/perder terreno — to give/gain/lose ground
estar en su (propio) terreno — to be on one's own ground
minarle or socavarle el terreno a alguien — to cut the ground from under somebody's feet
pisar terreno firme/peligroso — to tread on safe/dangerous ground
prepararle el terreno a alguien/algo — to pave the way for somebody/something
sobre el terreno: estudiar sobre el terreno una situación to make an on-the-spot assessment of a situation; haremos planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go along; tantear el terreno — to see how the land lies
b) (Geol) terrane, terrain4) (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field* * *terreno11 = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of land.Ex: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.
Ex: Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.Ex: Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.Ex: These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.Ex: A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.Ex: The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.Ex: So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.* andar por terreno peligroso = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* andar por terreno resbaladizo = skate + on thin ice, tread on + dangerous ground.* caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.* ceder terreno = yield + ground, lose + ground.* con terrenos cedidos por el gobierno = land grant [land-grant].* en terreno conocido = on familiar grounds.* en terreno peligroso = on shaky grounds.* estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.* ganar terreno = gain + ground, make + headway.* gestión de terrenos = land management.* invadir el terreno (de Alguien) = encroach on/upon + Posesivo + domain.* limpiar el terreno de árboles = clear + land.* motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.* moverse en terreno desconocido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.* no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.* parcela de terreno = plot of land, piece of land.* perder terreno = lose + ground.* pisar terreno desconocido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.* preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.* preparar el terreno = pave + the way (for/towards/to), set + the scene, clear + the path, smooth + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), lay + the groundwork for, pave + the road (for/towards/to), clear + the way.* preparar el terreno para = lead up to, smooth + the path of, clear + the ground for, fertilise + the ground for.* prueba sobre el terreno = field test, field trial.* sobre el terreno = on the ground.* tantear el terreno = put + feeler out, test + the water.* terreno conocido = familiar grounds.* terreno cultivable pequeño = croft.* terreno de deportes = sport arena.* terreno de juego = playing field, pitch.* terreno de pruebas = testing ground.* terreno desconocido = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unchartered territory, unchartered waters.* terreno elevado = high ground.* terreno en construcción = building site.* terreno firme = firm ground, safe ground, solid ground.* terreno inhóspito = inhospitable terrain.* terreno maderero = timberland.* terreno nada fértil = stony ground.* terreno neutral = neutral ground.* terreno para construir = building site.* terreno pedegroso = stony ground.* terreno peligroso = on thin ice, slippery ground, on dangerous ground.* terreno poco definido = grey area [gray area].* terreno resbaladizo = on thin ice, slippery ground, on dangerous ground.* terrenos = site, landed estate, grounds.* terrenos de la finca = estate grounds.* terreno seguro = safe ground, solid ground.* terreno sin construir = vacant lot.* terrenos sin construir = vacant land.* vehículo todoterreno = all-terrain vehicle.* vencer a Alguien en su propio terreno = beat + Nombre + at + Posesivo + own game.terreno22 = earthly [earthlier -comp., earthliest -sup.], worldly [worldlier -comp., worldliest -sup.].Ex: After that I could never pass a dead man without stopping to gaze on his face, stripped by death of that earthly patina which masks the living soul.
Ex: There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.(n.) = arena, land, turf, terrain, land area, ground, plot of land, piece of landEx: This shifts the responsibility for headings and their arrangement into the arena of cataloguers and indexers.
Ex: Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.Ex: Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.Ex: These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.Ex: Over 17% of Botswana's land area has been set-aside as national parks and game reserves.Ex: A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.Ex: The core of readers and borrowers of agricultural literature are pensioners wanting to improving cultivation of their small private plots of land.Ex: So it is important that every piece of land is divided by a boundary to show the demarcation.* * *1 ( Relig) earthlynuestra vida terrena our earthly life, our life on earthA (lote, parcela) plot of land, lot ( AmE)heredó unos terrenos en Sonora she inherited some land in Sonoraun terreno plantado de viñas a field o an area of land planted with vinesel terreno cuesta tanto como la casa the land costs as much as the housequieren construir en esos terrenos they want to build on that land o siteel terreno llega hasta el río the land o plot o lot extends as far as the riverCompuesto:field, pitch ( BrE)Escocia perdió frente a Gales en su propio terreno (de juego) Scotland lost at home to Wales, Scotland lost to Wales despite having home-field advantage ( AmE), Scotland lost to Wales on their home ground ( BrE)B (extensión de tierra) landcompraron una casa con mucho terreno they bought a house with a lot of landCun terreno montañoso mountainous terrainlos accidentes del terreno the features of the landscape o terrainun terreno pantanoso marshy land, a marshy terrainun terreno bueno para el cultivo del trigo good land o soil for growing wheatallanarle el terreno a algn to smooth the way o path for sbceder/ganar/perder terreno to give/gain/lose groundestar en su (propio) terreno to be on one's own groundminarle or socavarle el terreno a algn to cut the ground from under sb's feetpisar terreno firme/peligroso to tread on safe/dangerous groundprepararle el terreno a algn/algo to pave the way for sb/sthrecuperar terreno to recover lost groundsobre el terreno: para estudiar sobre el terreno la situación to make an on-the-spot o an in situ assessment of the situationiremos haciendo planes sobre el terreno we'll plan things as we go alongtantear el terreno to see how the land lies2 ( Geol) terrane, terrainCompuestos:● terreno abonado or propicioes terreno abonado or propicio para la delincuencia it is a breeding ground for crimees un terreno abonado or propicio para la especulación it gives rise to a great deal of speculationfamiliar groundpara él ya es terreno conocido he's on familiar ground, it's familiar ground to himD (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, fielden el terreno laboral at workejerció una gran influencia en el terreno de las artes he was a major influence in the arts* * *
terreno 1◊ -na adjetivo (Relig) earthly
terreno 2 sustantivo masculino
un terreno plantado de viñas a field planted with vines;
terreno de juego field, pitch
2 (Geog) ( refiriéndose al relieve) terrain;
( refiriéndose a la composición) land, soil;
3 (esfera, campo de acción) sphere, field;
I adjetivo ➣ terrenal
II sustantivo masculino
1 Geol terrain
2 (extensión de tierra) (piece of) land, ground: quiere cultivar su terreno, he wants to cultivate his land
tiene un terreno en Valencia, he has land in Valencia
un terreno arenoso, a sandy soil
3 fig (campo de acción, investigación) field, sphere
4 Dep terreno (de juego), field, ground
♦ Locuciones: le gusta saber qué terreno pisa, he likes to know where he stands
ganar/perder terreno, to gain/lose ground
preparar el terreno, to prepare the ground
sobre el terreno, as one goes along
' terreno' also found in these entries:
- adyacente
- allanar
- alta
- alto
- badén
- depresión
- elevación
- escabrosa
- escabroso
- finca
- grieta
- inclinación
- juego
- margen
- monte
- movediza
- movedizo
- nacional
- ondulada
- ondulado
- orientar
- parque
- pelada
- pelado
- pendiente
- polígono
- regar
- reseca
- reseco
- revalorizar
- salar
- salvaje
- sanear
- solar
- terrena
- terruño
- tierra
- triangular
- abrupto
- accidentado
- accidente
- adaptar
- agreste
- alameda
- altibajos
- anegar
- arbolado
- arenoso
- asentar
dirt bike
- estate
- extend
- feeler
- flatten
- foresight
- gain
- gain on
- ground
- gulley
- gully
- ice
- jeep
- level
- lose
- lot
- out-of-bounds
- parcel
- patch
- pitch
- plot
- recreation ground
- rent
- rugged
- ruggedness
- scout
- spread
- stretch
- survey
- tenure
- terrain
- testing ground
- tract
- uneven
- unfold
- way
- area
- common
- country
- ease
- green
- mostly
- piece
- preserve
- property
- province
- reclaim
- site
* * *terreno, -a♦ adjFormal [vida] earthly; [bienes, preocupaciones] worldly♦ nm1. [suelo] land;[por su relieve] terrain; [por su composición, utilidad agrícola] soil;grandes extensiones de terreno large tracts of land;terreno montañoso/abrupto mountainous/rugged terrain;terreno arenoso/volcánico sandy/volcanic soil;el terreno era irregular the ground was uneven;ser terreno abonado (para algo) to be fertile ground (for sth)terreno agrícola farmland;terreno cultivable arable land;terreno edificable land suitable for development;terreno rústico land unsuitable for development;terreno urbanizable land suitable for development;terreno no urbanizable land unsuitable for development2. [parcela, solar] plot (of land);tenemos unos terrenos en el pueblo we have some land in the village4. [ámbito] field;en el terreno de la música/medicina in the field of music/medicine;tiene muchos problemas en el terreno personal she has a lot of problems in her private life;ha habido muchos avances en este terreno there have been considerable advances in this field5. [territorio] ground;llevar algo/a alguien a su terreno: sabe llevar las conversaciones a su terreno he knows how to steer conversations round to what interests him;la campeona supo llevar a su terreno a la tenista holandesa the champion was able to impose her own terms on the Dutch player;sabe llevar cualquier canción a su terreno he is capable of making any song his own;ceder terreno to give ground;ganar terreno to gain ground;le está ganando terreno a su rival he's gaining ground on his rival;perder terreno (ante alguien) to lose ground (to sb);preparar el terreno (para algo/a alguien) to pave the way (for sth/sb);sabe el terreno que pisa she knows what she is about;sobre el terreno: estudiar algo sobre el terreno to study something in the field;resolveremos los problemas sobre el terreno we'll solve the problems as we go along* * *I adj earthly, worldlyII m land; figfield;un terreno a lot, Br a plot opiece of land;sobre el terreno in the field;ganar/perder terreno fig gain/lose ground;tantear el terreno fig see how the land lies;llevar a alguien a su terreno get s.o. on one’s home ground;pisar terreno resbaladizo fig be on slippery ground* * *terreno nm1) : terrain2) suelo: earth, ground3) : plot, tract of land4)perder terreno : to lose ground5)preparar el terreno : to pave the way* * *terreno n1. (tierra) land2. (de una actividad) field -
17 camino
m.1 path, track (sendero).camino trillado well-trodden path2 way.el camino de la estación the way to the stationcamino de on the way toestá camino de la capital it's on the way to the capitala estas horas ya estarán en camino they'll be on their way by nowme pilla de camino it's on my wayen el o de camino on the waypor este camino this way3 journey (viaje).nos espera un largo camino we have a long journey ahead of usponerse en camino to set off4 road, footpath, pathway, track.5 cart track, cart road.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: caminar.* * *1 (vía) path, track2 (ruta) way, route3 (viaje) journey\a medio camino half-wayabrir camino to clear the way (a, for)abrir el camino to clear the way (a, for)abrirse camino to make one's wayabrirse camino en la vida to get on in lifecoger de camino / pillar de camino to be on the wayestar en camino to be on the wayir camino de to be on one's way toir por (el) buen/mal camino figurado to be on the right/wrong trackllevar buen camino to be on the right trackllevar camino de to be on the way to, be heading for, look set toponerse en camino to set off (on a journey)camino de herradura bridle pathcamino de rosas figurado bed of rosescamino forestal forest trackel Camino de Santiago (vía láctea) the Milky Wayel camino del éxito figurado the road to success* * *noun m.1) road, path, track2) way3) journey4) course* * *SM1) [sin asfaltar] track; (=sendero) path; (=carretera) roadCaminos, Canales y Puertos — (Univ) Civil Engineering
camino de ingresos, camino de peaje — toll road
camino de rosas, la vida no es ningún camino de rosas — life's no bed of roses
Camino de Santiago — pilgrims' route to Santiago de Compostela, Way of St James
camino forestal — forest track; [para paseos] forest trail
= Camino de Santiagocamino francés ( Hist) —
camino trillado, caminos turísticos no trillados — tourist routes that are off the beaten track
experimentan con nuevas técnicas, huyen de los caminos trillados — they are experimenting with new techniques and avoiding conventional approaches o the well-trodden paths
este escritor ha recorrido los caminos trillados de sus antecesores — this writer has been down the well-trodden paths followed by his predecessors
2) (=ruta)a) (lit) way, route; (=viaje) journeyvolvimos por el camino más corto — we took the shortest way o route back
¿sabes el camino a su casa? — do you know the way to his house?
¿cuánto camino hay de aquí a San José? — how far is it from here to San José?
abrirse camino entre la multitud — to make one's way through the crowd•
de camino a, lo puedo recoger de camino al trabajo — I can collect it on my way to work•
echar camino adelante — to strike out•
en el camino — on the way, en routetienen dos niños, y otro en camino — they have two children, and another on the way
ponerse en camino — to set out o off
a medio camino — halfway (there)a medio camino paramos para comer — halfway there, we stopped to eat
se quedaron a mitad de camino — they only got halfway (there)la verdad está a mitad de camino entre las dos posturas — the truth is somewhere between the two views
b) (fig) (=medio) path, course•
el camino a seguir, yo te explico el camino a seguir — I'll tell you the way o routeme indicaron el camino a seguir para resolver el problema — they showed me what needed to be done to solve the problem
censurar estos programas no es el camino a seguir — censoring these programmes isn't the solution o the right thing to do
allanar el camino —
ir camino de —
va camino de convertirse en un gran centro financiero — it is on its way to becoming a major financial centre
traer a algn por buen camino — (=orientar) to put sb on the right track o road; (=desengañar) to set sb straight
quedarse en el camino —
un 70% sacó el diploma y el resto se quedó en el camino — 70 per cent of them got the diploma, the rest didn't make it
en vez de seguir las normas él fue por su camino — instead of following the rules he just went his own sweet way o did his own thing
no me fijo en mis rivales, yo sigo por mi camino — I don't take any notice of what my rivals are doing, I just do my own thing
3) (Inform) pathCAMINO DE SANTIAGO The Camino de Santiago is a medieval pilgrim route stretching from the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain, where tradition has it that the body of Saint James the Apostle (Spain's patron saint) is buried. Those who had made the long, dangerous journey returned proudly wearing on their hat or cloak the venera or concha (scallop shell) traditionally associated with this pilgrimage - Saint James' body had reportedly been found covered in scallops. Today this symbolic shell can still be seen all along the Camino de Santiago, carved on ancient buildings and painted on modern-day road signs marking the historic route for the benefit of tourists and pilgrims. In astronomy the Camino de Santiago is another name for the Vía Láctea (Milky Way), hence the title of Buñuel's famous satirical film about the route to Compostela.* * *1) ( de tierra) track; ( sendero) path; ( en general) roadabrir nuevos caminos — to break new o fresh ground
allanar or preparar or abrir el camino — to pave the way, prepare the ground
el camino trillado — the well-worn o well-trodden path
la vida no es un camino de rosas — life is no bed of roses
tener el camino trillado: tenía el camino trillado he'd had the ground prepared for him; todos los caminos llevan or conducen a Roma — all roads lead to Rome
2)a) (ruta, dirección) wayme salieron al camino — asaltantes they blocked my path o way; amigos/niños they came out to meet me
el camino a la fama — the road o path to fame
se me fue por mal camino or por el otro camino — it went down the wrong way
abrir camino a algo — to clear the way for something
abrirse camino — to make one's way
buen/mal camino: este niño va por mal camino or lleva mal camino this boy's heading for trouble; ibas por or llevabas buen camino pero te equivocaste you were on the right track but you made a mistake; las negociaciones van por or llevan muy buen camino the negotiations are going extremely well; llevar a alguien por mal camino to lead somebody astray; cruzarse en el camino de alguien: superó todos los obstáculos que se le cruzaron en el camino he overcame all the problems that arose; errar el camino to be in the wrong job o the wrong line of work; tirar por el camino de en medio — to take the middle path
b) (trayecto, viaje)lo debí perder en el camino al trabajo — I must have lost it on my o on the way to work
llevamos 300 kms/una hora de camino — we've done 300 kms/been traveling for an hour
todavía estamos a o nos quedan dos horas de camino — we still have two hours to go
paramos a mitad de camino or a medio camino — we stopped halfway
cortar o acortar camino — to take a shortcut
a mitad de or a medio camino — halfway through
c) (en locs)camino de/a: me encontré con él camino del or al mercado I ran into him on the o on my way to the market; ya vamos camino del invierno winter's on the way o on its way; llevar or ir camino de algo: una tradición que va camino de desaparecer a tradition which looks set to disappear; de camino on the way to; pilla de camino it's on the way; me queda de camino I pass it on my way; de camino a on the way; está de camino a la estación it is on the way to the station; en el camino or de camino al trabajo on my/his/her way o the way to work; en camino on the way; tiene un niño y otro en camino she has one child and another on the way; deben estar ya en camino they must be on their way already; por el camino — on the way
•* * *= avenue, path, road, route, footpath, lane, pathway, way.Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex. It can be in only one place, unless duplicates are used; one has to have rules as to which path will locate it, and the rules are cumbersome.Ex. Use of Woolston Library has declined slightly: the area is isolated by the River Itchen, a busy main road, and a natural escarpment.Ex. Each packet includes the address of the final destination, and the packets travel separately, perhaps taking different routes through the network.Ex. Equivalence relationships normally imply the selection of one form as the preferred term, as we have seen, so we make a cross-reference pointing from the non-preferred term to the preferred term: footpaths See Trails; Bovines USE Cattle.Ex. The title of the article is 'Changing lanes on the information superhighway: academic libraries and the Internet'.Ex. This system automates the scientific task of determining the pathway of steps underlying a chemical reaction.Ex. He has chosen self-denial and altruism as the way to follow.----* abrir camino a = make + way (for).* abrir nuevos caminos = break + new ground, push + Nombre + into new latitudes, break + ground, blaze + trail.* abrirse camino = plough through, elbow + Posesivo + way into, elbow into, foist + Posesivo + way into, make + Posesivo + way in the world.* abrirse camino (a empujones) = push + Posesivo + way across/into.* abrirse camino en el mundo = make + Posesivo + way in the world.* abrirse camino en la vida = get on in + life.* abrir un camino = chart + direction.* al borde del camino = at the roadside.* alto en el camino = stopover.* a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].* a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].* a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....* a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....* andar camino trillado = tread + well-worn ground.* apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.* apartarse del camino de la verdad = stray from + the straight and narrow.* apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.* borde del camino = roadside, wayside.* buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* buscar el camino = wind + Posesivo + way.* cambiar de opinión a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* cambiar de parecer a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* cambiar de política a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* camino apartado = byway.* camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.* camino correcto, el = way forward, the.* camino de acceso = approach path.* camino definido = charted route.* camino de herradura = bridle path, bridleway.* camino de la verdad, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* camino de tierra = dirt track, dirt road.* camino elevado = causeway.* camino hacia el estrellato = road to stardom.* camino hacia la fama = road to stardom.* camino largo y difícil = long haul.* camino largo y tortuoso = long and winding road.* camino lleno de baches = bumpy road.* camino más fácil, el = path of least resistance, the.* camino muy largo = circuitous route.* camino pecuario = cattle lane.* camino por recorrer, el = road ahead, the.* camino rural = country lane, country road.* camino seguro al desastre = blueprint for disaster.* camino seguro al éxito = blueprint for success.* camino seguro al fracaso = blueprint for failure.* camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.* camino trillado = worn path, beaten road.* camino vecinal = country road, minor road, back road.* construcción de caminos = road construction.* continuar + Posesivo camino = continue on + Posesivo + way.* cruce de caminos = crossroads, fork in the road.* cruzar en el camino de Alguien = cross + Posesivo + path.* cruzársele a Uno en el camino = come + Posesivo + way.* de camino = on the way, while we're at it.* de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.* descanso en el camino = rest stop.* desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.* detener en el camino = waylay.* detenerse en el camino = stop along + the way.* detenerse en el lado del camino = pull over.* el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.* el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.* el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.* el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.* el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.* el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.* el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.* elegir el camino más fácil = take + the path of least resistance.* en camino = on the way.* encontrar el camino = wayfinding.* encontrar el camino de vuelta = find + Posesivo + way back.* en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.* estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....* estar de camino a = be on the road to.* estar en camino de = be on the way to.* fuera de los caminos trillados = off the beaten track.* hacerse camino = foist + Posesivo + way into.* hacer una parada en el camino = stop along + the way.* hallar el camino de la verdad = think + Posesivo + way to the truth.* indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.* indicar el camino correcto = point + Nombre + in the right direction.* ingeniería de caminos = civil engineering.* ingeniero de caminos = civil engineer.* ir por buen camino = be on the right track.* ir por el buen camino = be right on track.* ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.* junto al camino = by the roadside.* lado del camino = wayside.* ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.* llevar camino de enfrentamiento con = be on a collision course with.* llevar por el camino de = lead + Pronombre + down the road to.* llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.* llevar por mal camino = mislead.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* marcar el camino correcto = point + Nombre + in the right direction.* mostrar el camino = blaze + the way, light + the way.* mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* mostrar el camino para = point + the way to, show + the way to.* no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.* parada en el camino = rest stop, stop along the way.* parapeto del camino = road bank.* pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.* perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.* por buen camino = a step in the right direction.* por caminos apartados = off-road.* por mal camino = astray.* preparar el camino = set + the scene, smooth + the way, open + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the way (for/towards/to), pave + the road (for/towards/to).* preparar el camino para = smooth + the path of.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* retomar el camino = get back on + Posesivo + path.* retomar su camino = get back on + track.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.* seguir este camino = go along + this road.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.* seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.* tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.* un alto en el camino = a stop on the road, a pit stop on the road.* un camino largo y difícil = a long haul.* volver a su camino = get back on + track, get back on + Posesivo + path.* * *1) ( de tierra) track; ( sendero) path; ( en general) roadabrir nuevos caminos — to break new o fresh ground
allanar or preparar or abrir el camino — to pave the way, prepare the ground
el camino trillado — the well-worn o well-trodden path
la vida no es un camino de rosas — life is no bed of roses
tener el camino trillado: tenía el camino trillado he'd had the ground prepared for him; todos los caminos llevan or conducen a Roma — all roads lead to Rome
2)a) (ruta, dirección) wayme salieron al camino — asaltantes they blocked my path o way; amigos/niños they came out to meet me
el camino a la fama — the road o path to fame
se me fue por mal camino or por el otro camino — it went down the wrong way
abrir camino a algo — to clear the way for something
abrirse camino — to make one's way
buen/mal camino: este niño va por mal camino or lleva mal camino this boy's heading for trouble; ibas por or llevabas buen camino pero te equivocaste you were on the right track but you made a mistake; las negociaciones van por or llevan muy buen camino the negotiations are going extremely well; llevar a alguien por mal camino to lead somebody astray; cruzarse en el camino de alguien: superó todos los obstáculos que se le cruzaron en el camino he overcame all the problems that arose; errar el camino to be in the wrong job o the wrong line of work; tirar por el camino de en medio — to take the middle path
b) (trayecto, viaje)lo debí perder en el camino al trabajo — I must have lost it on my o on the way to work
llevamos 300 kms/una hora de camino — we've done 300 kms/been traveling for an hour
todavía estamos a o nos quedan dos horas de camino — we still have two hours to go
paramos a mitad de camino or a medio camino — we stopped halfway
cortar o acortar camino — to take a shortcut
a mitad de or a medio camino — halfway through
c) (en locs)camino de/a: me encontré con él camino del or al mercado I ran into him on the o on my way to the market; ya vamos camino del invierno winter's on the way o on its way; llevar or ir camino de algo: una tradición que va camino de desaparecer a tradition which looks set to disappear; de camino on the way to; pilla de camino it's on the way; me queda de camino I pass it on my way; de camino a on the way; está de camino a la estación it is on the way to the station; en el camino or de camino al trabajo on my/his/her way o the way to work; en camino on the way; tiene un niño y otro en camino she has one child and another on the way; deben estar ya en camino they must be on their way already; por el camino — on the way
•* * *= avenue, path, road, route, footpath, lane, pathway, way.Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
Ex: It can be in only one place, unless duplicates are used; one has to have rules as to which path will locate it, and the rules are cumbersome.Ex: Use of Woolston Library has declined slightly: the area is isolated by the River Itchen, a busy main road, and a natural escarpment.Ex: Each packet includes the address of the final destination, and the packets travel separately, perhaps taking different routes through the network.Ex: Equivalence relationships normally imply the selection of one form as the preferred term, as we have seen, so we make a cross-reference pointing from the non-preferred term to the preferred term: footpaths See Trails; Bovines USE Cattle.Ex: The title of the article is 'Changing lanes on the information superhighway: academic libraries and the Internet'.Ex: This system automates the scientific task of determining the pathway of steps underlying a chemical reaction.Ex: He has chosen self-denial and altruism as the way to follow.* abrir camino a = make + way (for).* abrir nuevos caminos = break + new ground, push + Nombre + into new latitudes, break + ground, blaze + trail.* abrirse camino = plough through, elbow + Posesivo + way into, elbow into, foist + Posesivo + way into, make + Posesivo + way in the world.* abrirse camino (a empujones) = push + Posesivo + way across/into.* abrirse camino en el mundo = make + Posesivo + way in the world.* abrirse camino en la vida = get on in + life.* abrir un camino = chart + direction.* al borde del camino = at the roadside.* alto en el camino = stopover.* a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].* a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].* a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....* a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....* andar camino trillado = tread + well-worn ground.* apartarse del buen camino = go off + the rails, stray from + the straight and narrow.* apartarse del camino de la verdad = stray from + the straight and narrow.* apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.* borde del camino = roadside, wayside.* buen camino, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* buscar el camino = wind + Posesivo + way.* cambiar de opinión a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* cambiar de parecer a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* cambiar de política a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.* camino apartado = byway.* camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.* camino correcto, el = way forward, the.* camino de acceso = approach path.* camino definido = charted route.* camino de herradura = bridle path, bridleway.* camino de la verdad, el = straight and narrow (path), the.* camino de tierra = dirt track, dirt road.* camino elevado = causeway.* camino hacia el estrellato = road to stardom.* camino hacia la fama = road to stardom.* camino largo y difícil = long haul.* camino largo y tortuoso = long and winding road.* camino lleno de baches = bumpy road.* camino más fácil, el = path of least resistance, the.* camino muy largo = circuitous route.* camino pecuario = cattle lane.* camino por recorrer, el = road ahead, the.* camino rural = country lane, country road.* camino seguro al desastre = blueprint for disaster.* camino seguro al éxito = blueprint for success.* camino seguro al fracaso = blueprint for failure.* camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.* camino trillado = worn path, beaten road.* camino vecinal = country road, minor road, back road.* construcción de caminos = road construction.* continuar + Posesivo camino = continue on + Posesivo + way.* cruce de caminos = crossroads, fork in the road.* cruzar en el camino de Alguien = cross + Posesivo + path.* cruzársele a Uno en el camino = come + Posesivo + way.* de camino = on the way, while we're at it.* de camino a = en route for, on + Posesivo + way to, en route to.* descanso en el camino = rest stop.* desviarse del buen camino = go off + the rails.* detener en el camino = waylay.* detenerse en el camino = stop along + the way.* detenerse en el lado del camino = pull over.* el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.* el camino correcto = the way ahead, the way to go.* el camino hacia + Nombre + está lleno de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.* el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombre = the road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre.* el camino por recorrer = the way ahead.* el camino que lleva a = a/the doorway to.* el camino recorrido = the road travelled so far.* el camino se hace andando = actions speak louder than words.* elegir el camino más fácil = take + the path of least resistance.* en camino = on the way.* encontrar el camino = wayfinding.* encontrar el camino de vuelta = find + Posesivo + way back.* en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.* estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....* estar de camino a = be on the road to.* estar en camino de = be on the way to.* fuera de los caminos trillados = off the beaten track.* hacerse camino = foist + Posesivo + way into.* hacer una parada en el camino = stop along + the way.* hallar el camino de la verdad = think + Posesivo + way to the truth.* indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.* indicar el camino correcto = point + Nombre + in the right direction.* ingeniería de caminos = civil engineering.* ingeniero de caminos = civil engineer.* ir por buen camino = be on the right track.* ir por el buen camino = be right on track.* ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.* junto al camino = by the roadside.* lado del camino = wayside.* ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.* llevar camino de enfrentamiento con = be on a collision course with.* llevar por el camino de = lead + Pronombre + down the road to.* llevar por el mal camino = lead + astray.* llevar por mal camino = mislead.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* marcar el camino correcto = point + Nombre + in the right direction.* mostrar el camino = blaze + the way, light + the way.* mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* mostrar el camino para = point + the way to, show + the way to.* no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.* parada en el camino = rest stop, stop along the way.* parapeto del camino = road bank.* pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.* perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.* por buen camino = a step in the right direction.* por caminos apartados = off-road.* por mal camino = astray.* preparar el camino = set + the scene, smooth + the way, open + the way, set + the stage, pave + the path (for/towards/to), pave + the way (for/towards/to), pave + the road (for/towards/to).* preparar el camino para = smooth + the path of.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* retomar el camino = get back on + Posesivo + path.* retomar su camino = get back on + track.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.* seguir este camino = go along + this road.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.* seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.* tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.* un alto en el camino = a stop on the road, a pit stop on the road.* un camino largo y difícil = a long haul.* volver a su camino = get back on + track, get back on + Posesivo + path.* * *camino Camino de Santiago (↑ camino a1)sigan por ese camino continue along that path ( o road etc)han abierto/hecho un caminito a través del bosque they've opened up/made a path o little track through the woodestán todos los caminos cortados all the roads are blockedabrir nuevos caminos to break new o fresh groundallanar or preparar or abrir el camino to pave the way, prepare the groundel camino trillado the well-worn o well-trodden pathla vida no es un camino de rosas life is no bed of roses, life isn't a bowl of cherriestener el camino trillado: tenía el camino trillado he'd had the ground prepared for himtodos los caminos llevan or conducen a Roma: por todos los caminos se va a Roma all roads lead to Romeel camino del infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones the road to hell is paved o strewn with good intentionsCompuestos:bridle pathtowpath( Hist) highway● Caminos, Canales y Puertoscivil engineering ingenierominor road ( built and maintained by local council)B1 (ruta, dirección) waytomamos el camino más corto we took the shortest route o way¿sabes el camino para ir allí? do you know how to get there?, do you know the way there?me salieron al camino «asaltantes» they blocked my path o way;«amigos/niños» they came out to meet meafrontaron todas las dificultades que se les presentaron en el camino they faced up to all the difficulties in their pathéste es el mejor camino a seguir en estas circunstancias this is the best course to follow in these circumstancespor ese camino no vas a ninguna parte you won't get anywhere that way o like thatal terminar la carrera cada cual se fue por su camino after completing their studies they all went their separate wayssigue caminos muy diferentes de los trazados por sus predecesores he is taking very different paths from those of his predecessorsse me fue por mal caminoor por el otro camino it went down the wrong wayabrir(le) camino (a algo/algn) to clear the way (for sth/sb)los vehículos que abrían camino a los corredores the vehicles that were clearing the way for the runnersabrirse camino to make one's wayse abrió camino entre la espesura/a través de la multitud she made her way through the dense thickets/through the crowds of peopleno es fácil abrirse camino en esa profesión it's not easy to carve a niche for oneself in that professionestas técnicas se están abriendo camino entre nuestros médicos these techniques are gaining ground o are beginning to gain acceptance with our doctorstuvo que luchar mucho para abrirse camino en la vida he had to fight hard to get on in lifebuen/mal camino: este niño va por mal caminoor lleva mal camino this boy's heading for troubleya tiene trabajo, va por buen camino he's found a job already, he's doing wellibas por or llevabas buen camino pero te equivocaste aquí you were on the right track o lines, but you made a mistake herelas negociaciones van por or llevan muy buen camino the negotiations are going extremely well o very smoothlyllevar a algn por mal camino to lead sb astraycruzarse en el camino de algn: la mala suerte se cruzó en su camino he ran up against o came up against some bad lucksupo superar todos los obstáculos que se le cruzaron en el camino he was able to overcome all the problems which arose o which he came acrosserrar el camino to be in the wrong job o the wrong line of work2(trayecto, viaje): emprendimos el camino de regreso we set out on the return journeyse me hizo muy largo el camino the journey seemed to take foreverlo debí perder en el camino de casa al trabajo I must have lost it on my o on the way to workse pusieron en camino al amanecer they set off at dawnllevamos ya una hora de camino we've been traveling for an hour now, we've been on the road for an hour nowestamos todavía a dos horas de camino we still have two hours to go o two hours ahead of usparamos a mitad de caminoor a medio camino a descansar we stopped halfway to restpor aquí cortamos or acortamos camino we can take a shortcut this way o this way's shorterhizo todo el camino a pie he walked the whole way, he did the whole journey on footse ha avanzado mucho en este campo, pero queda aún mucho camino por recorrer great advances have been made in this field, but there's still a long way to goel camino será largo y difícil, pero venceremos the road will be long and difficult, but we shall be victoriousquedarse a mitad de or a medio camino: iba para médico, pero se quedó a mitad de camino he was studying to be a doctor, but he never completed the course o he gave up halfway through the courseel programa de remodelación se quedó a medio camino the renovation project was left unfinishedno creo que terminemos este año, ni siquiera estamos a mitad de camino I don't think we'll finish it this year, we're not even half way through yet3 ( en locs):camino de/a: me encontré con él camino del or al mercado I ran into him on the o on my way to the marketya vamos camino del invierno winter's coming o approaching, winter's on the way o on its wayllevar or ir camino de algo: un actor que va camino del estrellato an actor on his way o on the road to stardom, an actor heading for stardom, an actor who looks set for stardomvan camino de la bancarrota they are on the road to o heading for bankruptcy, they look set to go bankruptuna tradición que va camino de desaparecer a tradition which looks set to disappearde camino: tu casa me queda de camino I pass your house on my way, your house is on my wayve por el pan y, de camino, compra el periódico go and get the bread and buy a newspaper on the way o your wayde camino a: íbamos de camino a Zacatecas we were on our way o the way to Zacatecasestá de camino a la estación it is on the way to the stationen el caminoor de camino al trabajo paso por tres bancos I pass three banks on my way o the way to worken camino: deben estar ya en camino they must be on the o on their way alreadytiene un niño y otro en camino she has one child and another on the waypor el camino on the wayte lo cuento por el camino I'll tell you on the wayCompuestos:Inca trail( Astron) the Milky Way* * *
Del verbo caminar: ( conjugate caminar)
camino es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
caminó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
caminar ( conjugate caminar) verbo intransitivo
1 ( andar) to walk;
podemos ir caminando we can walk, we can go on foot;
camino hacia algo ‹hacia meta/fin› to move toward(s) sth
2 (AmL) [reloj/motor] to work;◊ el asunto va caminando (fam) things are moving (colloq)
verbo transitivo ‹ distancia› to walk
camino sustantivo masculino
1 ( en general) road;
( de tierra) track;
( sendero) path;
me salieron al camino [ asaltantes] they blocked my path o way;
[ amigos] they came out to meet me;
el camino a la fama the road o path to fame;
se abrió camino entre la espesura she made her way through the dense thickets;
abrirse camino en la vida to get on in life;
buen/mal camino: este niño va por mal camino this boy's heading for trouble;
ibas por buen camino pero te equivocaste you were on the right track but you made a mistake;
llevar a algn por mal camino to lead sb astrayb) (trayecto, viaje):
se pusieron en camino they set off;
todavía nos quedan dos horas de camino we still have two hours to goc) ( en locs)◊ camino de/a … on my/his/her way to …;
ir camino de algo: una tradición que va camino de desaparecer a tradition which looks set to disappear;
de camino on the way;
pilla de camino it's on the way;
me queda de camino I pass it on my way;
de camino a la estación on the way to the station;
en camino on the way;
deben estar ya en camino they must be on their way already;
por el camino on the way;
a mitad de or a medio camino halfway through
I verbo intransitivo to walk
II verbo transitivo (recorrer a pie) to cover,walk: camino un par de kilómetros diarios, I walk two kilometres every day
camino sustantivo masculino
1 (estrecho, sin asfaltar) path, track
(en general) road
2 (itinerario, ruta) route, way
3 (medio, modo) way
♦ Locuciones: coger o pillar de camino, to be on the way
estar en camino, to be on the way
ir camino de, to be going to
figurado ir por buen/mal camino, to be on the right/wrong track
ponerse en camino, to set off
a medio camino, halfway: lo deja todo a medio camino, she drops everything she starts halfway through
figurado una casa de turismo rural es un sitio a medio camino entre un hotel y una casa de labranza, a rural tourism house is something halfway between a hotel and a farmhouse
de camino a, on the way to
' camino' also found in these entries:
- acceso
- ahorrar
- andar
- baja
- bajo
- bifurcación
- borde
- caminar
- como
- conducir
- cruzarse
- desbloquear
- desviarse
- dificultosa
- dificultoso
- división
- empinada
- empinado
- enderezar
- enfilar
- enrevesada
- enrevesado
- enseñar
- entorpecer
- escultórica
- escultórico
- franca
- franco
- ir
- guiar
- horqueta
- indicar
- interponerse
- intersectarse
- intrincada
- intrincado
- lado
- marcha
- margen
- media
- mitad
- mostrar
- obstáculo
- orientar
- orilla
- paso
- pillar
- por
- promedio
- blaze
- bridle path
- circuitous
- claw
- concrete
- devious
- dirt road
- drive
- driveway
- en route
- fight
- footpath
- guide
- half-way
- lane
- midway
- passable
- path
- pathway
- pave
- road
- rocky
- rough
- set off
- set out
- show
- signpost
- sloping
- stray
- strike out
- struggle on
- thrust aside
- towpath
- track
- up
- uphill
- wade through
- way
- wayside
- weave
- wind
- winding
- work
- work up to
- bound
- by
- continue
- direct
- do
* * *camino nm1. [sendero] path, track;[carretera] road;han abierto un camino a través de la selva they've cleared a path through the jungle;acorté por el camino del bosque I took a shortcut through the forest;UnivCaminos(, Canales y Puertos) [ingeniería] civil engineering;la vida no es un camino de rosas life is no bed of roses;todos los caminos llevan a Roma all roads lead to Romecamino de acceso access road; Fam Fig camino de cabras rugged path;camino forestal forest track;camino de grava gravel path;camino de herradura bridle path;camino de hierro railway, US railroad;Am camino de mesa table runner; Hist camino real king's highway;Camino de Santiago Rel = pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela;Astron Milky Way;camino de sirga towpath;Fig camino trillado well-trodden path; Figtiene el camino trillado the hard work has already been done for him;camino vecinal country lane2. [ruta, vía] way;el camino de la estación the way to the station;equivocarse de camino to go the wrong way;indicar el camino a alguien to show sb the way;no recuerdo el camino de vuelta I can't remember the way back;iremos por el camino más corto we'll go by the shortest route, we'll go the quickest way;está camino de la capital it's on the way to the capital;me encontré a Elena camino de casa I met Elena on the way home;de camino [de paso] on the way;ve a comprar el periódico, y de camino sube también la leche go for the newspaper and bring the milk up while you're at it;me pilla de camino it's on my way;a estas horas ya estarán en camino they'll be on their way by now;en el camino on the way;por este camino this way3. [viaje] journey;nos espera un largo camino we have a long journey ahead of us;se detuvieron tras cinco horas de camino they stopped after they had been on the road for five hours;estamos casi a mitad de camino we're about halfway there;pararemos a mitad de camino we'll stop halfway;hicimos un alto en el camino para comer we stopped (along the way) to have a bite to eat;también Figtodavía nos queda mucho camino por delante we've still got a long way to go;ponerse en camino to set off4. [medio] way;el camino para conseguir tus propósitos es la honestidad the way to get what you want is to be honest5. Compabrir camino a to clear the way for;el hermano mayor ha abierto camino a los pequeños the older brother cleared the way for the younger ones;dos jinetes abrían camino a la procesión two people rode ahead to clear a path for the procession;abrirse camino to get on o ahead;se abrió camino entre la maraña de defensas he found a way through the cluster of defenders;abrirse camino en el mundo to make one's way in the world;le costó mucho abrirse camino, pero ahora tiene una buena posición it wasn't easy for him to get on, but he's got a good job now;allanar el camino to smooth the way;no permitiré que nadie se cruce en mi camino I won't let anyone stand in my way;Famtienen un bebé en camino they've got a baby on the way;ir por buen camino to be on the right track;ir por mal camino to go astray;con su comportamiento, estos alumnos van por mal camino the way they are behaving, these pupils are heading for trouble;fueron cada cual por su camino they went their separate ways;van camino del desastre/éxito they're on the road to disaster/success;a medio camino halfway;siempre deja todo a medio camino she always leaves things half-done;estar a medio camino to be halfway there;está a medio camino entre un delantero y un centrocampista he's somewhere between a forward and a midfielder;quedarse a medio camino to stop halfway through;el proyecto se quedó a medio camino por falta de presupuesto the project was left unfinished o was abandoned halfway through because the funds dried up;iba para estrella, pero se quedó a mitad de camino she looked as if she would become a star, but never quite made it;traer a alguien al buen camino to put sb back on the right trackCAMINO DE SANTIAGOThe Galician city of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, traditionally held to be the burial site of the Apostle St James, was one of the most important Christian pilgrimage centres in Europe during the Middle Ages, second only to Rome. Countless pilgrims made the journey from different parts of Europe to Santiago along recognized pilgrimage routes. The main one crosses the north of Spain from the Pyrenees to Galicia and is known as the Camino de Santiago. Although its religious significance has declined, it has become a popular tourist route attracting a wide range of travellers: nature lovers on day trips, hikers and cyclists, and even latter-day pilgrims, whether solitary walkers or on package tours. Many of them avail themselves of the free or low-cost accommodation provided along the way by local councils and religious institutions.* * *m1 ( senda) path;no es (todo) un camino de rosas it isn’t all a bed of roses2 INFOR path3 ( ruta) way;a medio camino halfway;de camino a on the way to;por el camino on the way;camino de on the way to;abrirse camino fig make one’s way;estar en camino be on the way;ponerse en camino set out;ir por buen/mal camino fig be on the right/wrong track;abrir camino hacia algo fig pave the way for sth;mitad de camino fig leave sth half finished* * *camino nm1) : path, road2) : journeyponerse en camino: to set off3) : waya medio camino: halfway there* * *camino n1. (sendero) path2. (ruta, medio) waycamino de on the way / on your way -
18 bahnen
v/t: (jemandem / einer Sache) einen Weg bahnen clear a path (for s.o. / s.th.); sich (Dat) einen Weg durch etw. bahnen fight ( oder force) one’s way through s.th.; (sich / jemandem) den Weg bahnen fig. pave the way (for o.s. / s.o.); jemandem den Weg zum Erfolg / nach oben bahnen fig. put s.o. on the road ( oder path) to success / to the top* * *sich bahnento clear* * *bah|nen ['baːnən]vtPfad to clear; Flussbett to carve or channel outjdm/einer Sache den/einen Weg báhnen — to clear the/a way for sb/sth; (fig) to pave or prepare the way for sb/sth
einen Weg báhnen — to fight one's way
* * *(to make (one's way) by pushing with the shoulder: He shouldered his way through the crowd.) shoulder* * *bah·nenvt▪ [jdm] etw \bahnen to pave a way [for sb]ein Flussbett \bahnen to carve [or channel] out a river bed* * *transitives Verb clear <way, path>jemandem/einer Sache einen Weg bahnen — clear the or a way for somebody/something; (fig.) pave or prepare the way for somebody/something
* * *bahnen v/t:(jemandem/einer Sache) einen Weg bahnen clear a path (for sb/sth);sich (dat)einen Weg durch etwas bahnen fight ( oder force) one’s way through sth;(sich/jemandem) den Weg bahnen fig pave the way (for o.s./sb);jemandem den Weg zum Erfolg/nach oben bahnen fig put sb on the road ( oder path) to success/to the top* * *transitives Verb clear <way, path>jemandem/einer Sache einen Weg bahnen — clear the or a way for somebody/something; (fig.) pave or prepare the way for somebody/something
sich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen — force a or one's way through something
19 Weg
Adv. away; (weggegangen sein, verloren) gone; (nicht zu Hause) not in; meine Uhr ist weg my watch is ( oder has) gone; der Zug, die Maschine etc. ist schon weg has (already) left; weg da! umg. get away!; weg damit! umg. take it away!; Finger oder Hände weg! umg. hands off!; nichts wie weg! umg. let’s get out of here, scram! Sl.; weg sein umg. (bewusstlos) be out (for the count); nach Alkohol: be gone; (geistesabwesend) be miles away, be away with the fairies; ganz ( hin und) weg sein umg. (begeistert) be thrilled to bits, be over the moon; ich bin darüber weg I’ve got over it, I’m over it; in einem weg umg. non-stop; Fenster etc.* * *der Weg(Methode) way; approach;(Spaziergang) walk;(Strecke) course; route; road;(kleine Straße) path; way; track; pathway; lane* * *[veːk]m -(e)s, -e[-gə]1) (=Pfad, Gehweg fig) path; (= Waldweg, Wanderweg etc) track, path; (= Straße) roadam Wége — by the wayside
woher des Wég(e)s? (old) — where have you come from?, whence comest thou? (obs)
wohin des Wég(e)s? (old) — where are you going to?, whither goest thou? (obs)
des Wég(e)s kommen (old) — to come walking/riding etc up
in einer Gegend Wég und Steg kennen — to know an area like the back of one's hand
jdm in den Wég treten, jdm den Wég versperren or verstellen — to block or bar sb's way
jdm/einer Sache im Wég stehen (fig) — to stand in the way of sb/sth
sich selbst im Wég stehen (fig) — to be one's own worst enemy
jdm Hindernisse or Steine in den Wég legen (fig) — to put obstructions in sb's way
jdm nicht über den Wég trauen (fig) — not to trust sb an inch
jdn aus dem Wég räumen (fig) — to get rid of sb
etw aus dem Wég räumen (fig) — to remove sth; Missverständnisse to clear sth up
neue Wége beschreiten (fig) — to tread new paths
den Wég der Sünde/Tugend gehen — to follow the path of sin/virtue
die Wége Gottes — the ways of the Lord
den Wég des geringsten Widerstandes gehen — to follow the line of least resistance
der Wég zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert (Prov) — the road to Hell is paved with good intentions (prov)
See:→ irdisch2) (lit, fig = Route) way; (= Entfernung) distance; (= Reise) journey; (zu Fuß) walk; (fig zum Erfolg) way, road; (= Bildungsweg) roadich muss diesen Wég jeden Tag zweimal gehen/fahren — I have to walk/drive this stretch twice a day
auf dem Wég nach London/zur Arbeit — on the way to London/work
auf dem Wég zu jdm/nach einem Ort sein — to be on the or one's way to sb's/a place
sich auf den Wég machen — to set off
6 km Wég — 6 kms away
noch zwei Stunden/ein Stück Wég vor sich haben — to still have two hours/some distance to travel
jdn ein Stück Wég(es) begleiten (geh) — to accompany sb part of the way
mein erster Wég war zur Bank — the first thing I did was go to the bank
jdn auf seinem letzten Wég begleiten (euph) — to pay one's last respects to sb
seiner Wége gehen (geh) (lit) — to go on one's way; (fig) to go one's own way
welchen Wég haben sie eingeschlagen? (lit) — what road did they take?
einen neuen Wég einschlagen (fig) — to follow a new avenue; (beruflich) to follow a new career
den falschen/richtigen Wég einschlagen — to follow the wrong/right path or road or (fig) avenue
jdm etw mit auf den Wég geben (lit) — to give sb sth to take with him/her etc
jdm einen guten Rat mit auf den Wég geben — to give sb good advice to follow in life
jdm/einer Sache aus dem Wég gehen (lit) — to get out of sb's way/the way of sth; (fig) to avoid sb/sth
jdm über den Wég laufen (fig) — to run into sb
seinen Wég (im Leben/Beruf) machen (fig) — to make one's way in life/one's career
seinen Wég nehmen (fig) — to take its course
etw in die Wége leiten — to arrange sth
etw auf den Wég bringen — to get sth under way
jdm/sich den Wég verbauen — to ruin sb's/one's chances or prospects (für of)
auf dem besten Wég sein, etw zu tun — to be well on the way to doing sth
der gerade Wég ist der kürzeste or beste (Prov) — honesty is the best policy
3) (= Mittel, Art und Weise) way; (= Methode) methodauf welchem Wég kommt man am schnellsten zu Geld? — what's the fastest way of making or to make money?
auf welchem Wég sind Sie zu erreichen? — how can I get in touch with you?
auf diesem Wége — this way
auf diplomatischem Wége — through diplomatic channels
auf gesetzlichem or legalem Wége — legally, by legal means
auf künstlichem Wége — artificially, by artificial means
See:= zuwege4) (inf = Besorgung) errand* * *1) (to or at a distance from the person speaking or the person or thing spoken about: He lives three miles away (from the town); Go away!; Take it away!) away2) (in the opposite direction: She turned away so that he would not see her tears.) away3) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) channel4) (a narrow road or street: a winding lane.) lane5) (the path or direction in which something moves: the course of the Nile.) course6) (away (from a place, time etc): He walked off; She cut her hair off; The holidays are only a week off; She took off her coat.) off7) ((any place on) the line along which someone or something is moving: She stood right in the path of the bus.) path8) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) way9) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) way10) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) way11) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) way12) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.) way13) (a route; the correct road(s) to follow in order to arrive somewhere: We'd better look at the map because I'm not sure of the road.) road14) (a way that leads to something: the road to peace; He's on the road to ruin.) road15) (a path or rough road: a mountain track.) track16) ((the distance covered during) an outing or journey on foot: She wants to go for / to take a walk; It's a long walk to the station.) walk* * *<-[e]s, -e>[ve:k, pl ˈve:gə]msie stand am \Weg she stood by the wayside2. (Route) waydas ist der kürzeste \Weg nach Berlin this is the shortest route to Berlin▪ auf dem \Weg [zu jdm/irgendwohin] sein to be on one's way [to sb/somewhere]auf dem richtigen \Weg sein to be on the right trackvom \Weg abkommen to lose one's wayjdn nach dem \Wegfragen to ask sb the wayauf jds \Weg liegen to be on sb's wayes wird schon spät, ich muss mich auf den \Weg machen it's getting late, I must be on my way!jdm den \Weg versperren to block [or bar] sb's way3. (Strecke) waybis zu euch muss ich einen \Weg von über drei Stunden zurücklegen I've got a journey of more than three hours to get to your place4. (Gang, Besorgung) errand\Wege zu erledigen haben to have some shopping to do5. (Methode) wayes gibt keinen anderen \Weg there is no choiceauf friedlichem \Wege (geh) by peaceful meansauf illegalem \Wege by illegal means, illegallyauf schriftlichem \Wege (geh) in writingneue \Wege gehen to follow new avenues6. (Lebensweg) way7.▶ aus dem \Weg! stand aside!, make way!geh mir aus dem \Weg! get out of my way!▶ auf dem besten \Wege sein, etw zu tun to be well on the way to doing sth▶ etw auf den \Weg bringen to introduce sth▶ jdm etw mit auf den \Weg geben to give sb sth to take with him/herdu brauchst mir nichts mit auf den \Weg zu geben, ich weiß das schon I don't need you to tell me anything, I already knowjdm eine Ermahnung/einen Ratschlag mit auf den \Weg geben to give sb a warning/piece of advice for the future▶ seinen \Weg gehen to go one's own way▶ jdm/etw aus dem \Weg gehen to avoid sb/sth▶ den \Weg des geringsten Widerstandes gehen to take the line of least resistance▶ jdm auf halbem \Wege entgegenkommen to meet sb halfway▶ jdm über den \Weg laufen to run into sblauf mir nicht noch mal über den \Weg! don't come near me again!▶ etw in die \Wege leiten to arrange sth▶ jdn aus dem \Weg räumen to get rid of sb▶ etw aus dem \Weg räumen to remove sth▶ jdm/etw im \Wege stehen to stand in the way of sb/sthnur die Kostenfrage steht der Verwirklichung des Projekts im \Wege only the issue of cost is an obstacle to this project being implemented▶ hier trennen sich unsere \Wege this is where we part company* * *der; Weg[e]s,Wege‘kein öffentlicher Weg’ — ‘no public right of way’
am Weg[e] — by the wayside
2) (Zugang) way; (Passage, Durchgang) passagesich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen — clear a path or way through something
geh [mir] aus dem Weg[e] — get out of the or my way
jemandem im Weg[e] stehen od. (auch fig.) sein — be in somebody's way; (fig.)
einer Sache (Dat.) im Weg[e] stehen — stand in the way of something
jemandem aus dem Weg[e] gehen — keep out of sb's way; avoid somebody
einer Diskussion aus dem Weg[e] gehen — avoid a discussion
jemanden/etwas aus dem Weg[e] räumen — get rid of somebody/something
3) (Route, Verbindung) way; route[jemanden] nach dem Weg fragen — ask [somebody] the way
das liegt auf dem/meinem Weg — that's on the/my way; (fig.)
er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen — (ugs.) I ran or bumped into him
seinen Weg machen — make one's way [in the world]
es sind 2 km/10 Minuten Weg — it is a distance of two kilometres/it is ten minutes' walk
er hat noch einen weiten Weg vor sich — (Dat.) he still has a long way to go
auf halbem Weg[e] — (auch fig.) halfway
sich auf den Weg machen — set off; (fig.)
jemandem einen guten Ratschlag mit auf den Weg geben — give somebody some good advice for his/her future life
auf dem besten Weg sein, etwas zu tun — (meist iron.) be well on the way towards doing something
er ist auf dem Weg[e] der Besserung — he's on the road to recovery
5) (ugs.): (Besorgung) errandeinen Weg machen — do or run an errand
auf schnellstem Weg[e] — as speedily as possible
auf schriftlichem Weg[e] — by letter
* * *1. way (auch Richtung); (Pfad) path (auch fig und IT); (Route) route; (Gang) walk; (Besorgung) errand; (Weg zum Ziel) course;am Wege by the wayside;auf dem Wege on the way;das liegt auf meinem Weg that’s on my way, I’ll be passing (by) there on my way (home etc);einen Weg machen umg (Spaziergang) go for a walk;sich auf den Weg machen set off;jemanden nach dem Weg fragen ask sb the way;jemandem den Weg zeigen/beschreiben show sb the way/give sb directions;jemandem einen Weg abnehmen spare sb the trip;jemandem etwas mit auf den Weg geben give sb sth to take along with them, give sb sth for the journey; fig (Rat etc) give sb sth to remember;jemandem im Wege stehen auch fig be in sb’s way;jemandem in den Weg treten bar sb’s way; fig get in sb’s way;scheiden sich unsere Wege this is where we say goodbye; fig this is the parting of the ways;Weg und Steg kennen know every inch of the area2. fig:sein letzter Weg (Beerdigung) his final journey;den Weg allen Fleisches gehen geh, euph go the way of all flesh;etwas/jemanden aus dem Weg schaffen get rid of sth/sb;der/auf dem Weg zum Erfolg the/on the road to success;auf dem Wege der Besserung on the road to recovery;auf dem besten Weg(e) sein, sich zu ruinieren be heading for disaster;auf dem richtigen Weg(e) sein be on the right track;jemanden auf den richtigen Weg bringen put sb back on the straight and narrow;er wird seinen Weg machen he’ll go far ( oder go places);ich traue ihm nicht über den Weg umg I don’t trust him an inch, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him;jemandem aus dem Weg gehen steer clear of sb;seine eigenen Wege gehen go one’s own way, do one’s own thing umg;unsere Wege haben sich getrennt we went our separate ways;einer Frage/Entscheidung aus dem Wege gehen evade a question, avoid the issue/avoid making a decision;ebnen pave the way for; (einer Sache) auch prepare the ground for;da führt kein Weg dran vorbei umg there’s no way (a)round it;dem steht nichts im Wege there’s nothing to stop it;der Weg ist das Ziel the way is the goal3. fig (Art und Weise, Methode) way;auf schriftlichem Wege in writing;auf gesetzlichem Wege legally, by legal means;auf diplomatischem Wege through diplomatic channels;auf diesem Wege this way;auf kaltem Wege pej by fair means or foul, without bothering too much about the niceties, US auch by hook or by crook;neue Wege in der Kindererziehung new approaches to child education;neue Wege gehen try a new tack, pursue a different path;es bleibt kein anderer Weg offen there’s no choice ( oder alternative); → abbringen 1, bahnen, halb A 3, irdisch, Mittel1 1, Widerstand 1, Wille etc* * *der; Weg[e]s,Wege‘kein öffentlicher Weg’ — ‘no public right of way’
am Weg[e] — by the wayside
2) (Zugang) way; (Passage, Durchgang) passagesich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen — clear a path or way through something
geh [mir] aus dem Weg[e] — get out of the or my way
jemandem im Weg[e] stehen od. (auch fig.) sein — be in somebody's way; (fig.)
einer Sache (Dat.) im Weg[e] stehen — stand in the way of something
jemandem aus dem Weg[e] gehen — keep out of sb's way; avoid somebody
einer Diskussion aus dem Weg[e] gehen — avoid a discussion
jemanden/etwas aus dem Weg[e] räumen — get rid of somebody/something
3) (Route, Verbindung) way; route[jemanden] nach dem Weg fragen — ask [somebody] the way
das liegt auf dem/meinem Weg — that's on the/my way; (fig.)
er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen — (ugs.) I ran or bumped into him
seinen Weg machen — make one's way [in the world]
es sind 2 km/10 Minuten Weg — it is a distance of two kilometres/it is ten minutes' walk
er hat noch einen weiten Weg vor sich — (Dat.) he still has a long way to go
auf halbem Weg[e] — (auch fig.) halfway
sich auf den Weg machen — set off; (fig.)
jemandem einen guten Ratschlag mit auf den Weg geben — give somebody some good advice for his/her future life
auf dem besten Weg sein, etwas zu tun — (meist iron.) be well on the way towards doing something
er ist auf dem Weg[e] der Besserung — he's on the road to recovery
5) (ugs.): (Besorgung) errandeinen Weg machen — do or run an errand
auf schnellstem Weg[e] — as speedily as possible
auf schriftlichem Weg[e] — by letter
* * *-e (Mathematik) m.path n. -e m.alley n.itinerary n.lane n.path n.road n.route n.way n. -
20 Bahn
f; -, -en1. (Weg) way, path; Bahn frei! make way!, stand aside!; fig.: die Bahn ist frei the road is clear; (für etw.) freie Bahn haben have the go-ahead, have the green light umg. (for s.th.); du hast freie Bahn it’s all yours; sich (Dat) Bahn brechen (sich durchsetzen) win through; Idee etc.: gain acceptance; (vorwärtskommen) forge ahead; einer Sache Bahn brechen pioneer s.th., blaze the trail for s.th.; auf die schiefe Bahn geraten oder kommen go astray, stray off the straight and narrow; in die richtige(n) Bahn(en) lenken direct into the right channels; sich in den gewohnten Bahnen bewegen move along the same old track, be stuck in the same old rut pej.; bewusst: keep to the well-trodden paths; wieder in geregelten Bahnen verlaufen be back to normal again; auf ähnlichen Bahnen along similar lines; jemanden aus der Bahn werfen oder bringen throw s.o. off track; seelisch etc.: knock s.o. sideways2. (Eisenbahn) railway, Am. railroad; (Zug) train; (Straßenbahn) tram, Am. streetcar, trolley; mit der Bahn by train; Waren per Bahn schicken WIRTS. send goods by rail; ( mit der) Bahn fahren travel by train; ich fahre gern ( mit der) Bahn auch I enjoy travel(l)ing on trains, I enjoy rail travel; jemanden zur Bahn bringen take s.o. to the station, see s.o. off (at the station); jemanden von der Bahn abholen (go and) meet s.o. at the station; in der Bahn on the train; ich setze mich einfach auf die Bahn und komme morgen umg. I’ll just hop on a train and be with you tomorrow3. nur Sg.; in BRD bis 1994 Behörde: railway (Am. railroad) authorities Pl. ( oder operators Pl.); bei der Bahn arbeiten work for the railway (Am. railroad)4. (Fahrbahn) lane5. (Flugbahn) trajectory7. SPORTa) Anlage: (Rennbahn) track; (Eis-, Rollschuhbahn) rink; (Schlitten-, Bobbahn) run; (Kegelbahn) alley;b) für einzelne Läufer, Schwimmer etc.: lane9. TECH., bei Amboss, Hammer, Hobel: face10. TECH. (Führung) guide, track* * *die Bahn(Eisenbahn) railway; railroad;(Fahrbahn) lane;(Planetenbahn) orbit;(Rennbahn) course* * *[baːn]f -, -enBáhn frei! — make way!, (get) out of the way!
jdm/einer Sache die Báhn ebnen/frei machen (fig) — to pave/clear the way for sb/sth
die Báhn ist frei (fig) — the way is clear
Báhn brechen (lit) — to force one's way; (fig) to make headway; (Mensch) to forge ahead
Báhn brechen — to blaze the trail for sth
sich auf neuen Báhnen bewegen — to break new or fresh ground
von der rechten Báhn abkommen (geh) — to stray from the straight and narrow
etw in die richtige Báhn or die richtigen Báhnen lenken (fig) — to channel sth properly
See:→ schief2) (= Eisenbahn) railway (Brit), railroad (US); (= Straßenbahn) tram (esp Brit), streetcar (US); (= Zug) (der Eisenbahn, U-Bahn) train; (der Straßenbahn) tram (esp Brit), streetcar (US); (= Bahnhof) station; (Verkehrsnetz, Verwaltung) railway usu pl (Brit), railroad (US)mit der or per Báhn — by train or rail/tram (esp Brit) or streetcar (US)
frei Báhn (Comm) — free on rail
er ist or arbeitet bei der Báhn — he's with the railways (Brit) or railroad (US), he works for or on the railways (Brit)
3) (SPORT) track; (für Pferderennen auch) course; (in Schwimmbecken) pool; (= Kegelbahn) (bowling) alley; (für einzelne Teilnehmer) lane; (= Schlittenbahn, Bobbahn) run4) (PHYS, ASTRON) orbit, path; (= Raketenbahn, Geschossbahn) (flight) path, trajectory5) (= Stoffbahn, Tapetenbahn) length, strip* * *die1) (a long narrow area used for the games of bowling or skittles: a bowling alley.) alley2) (a journey or course round something: the earth's circuit round the sun; three circuits of the race-track.) circuit3) ((also racetrack) a course on which runners, cyclists etc race: a running track; ( also adjective) the 100 metres sprint and other track events.) track* * *<-, -en>[ba:n]fmit der \Bahn/per \Bahn by train [or rail]frei \Bahn ÖKON free on rail, carriage paid2. SPORT track; Schwimmbecken lane; (Kegelbahn) alley; (Schlittenbahn, Bobbahn) run; (Pferderennbahn) course, track3. ASTRON orbit, path4. MIL [flight] path5. (Stoffbahn, Tapetenbahn) length, strip\Bahn frei! make way!, mind your backs!7.▶ aus der \Bahn geraten to get off track▶ in geregelten \Bahnen verlaufen to take an orderly course▶ etw in die richtigen \Bahnen lenken to lead sth in the right channels▶ jdn auf die schiefe \Bahn bringen to get sb off the straight and narrow▶ auf die schiefe \Bahn kommen [o geraten] to get off the straight and narrow▶ jdn aus der \Bahn werfen to get sb off course▶ jdn wieder auf die rechte \Bahn bringen to put sb back on the right track [or straight and narrow]* * *die; Bahn, Bahneneiner Sache (Dat.) Bahn brechen — pave or prepare the way for something
jemanden aus der Bahn werfen od. bringen od. schleudern — knock somebody sideways
etwas [wieder] in die richtige Bahn lenken — (fig.) get something [back] on the right track
3) (Sport) track; (für Pferderennen) course (Brit.); track (Amer.); (für einzelne Teilnehmer) lane; (KegelBahn) alley; (SchlittenBahn, BobBahn) run; (BowlingBahn) laneBahn frei! — make way!; get out of the way!
4) (Fahrspur) lanejemanden zur Bahn bringen/an der Bahn abholen — take somebody to/pick somebody up from the station
6) (StraßenBahn) tram; streetcar (Amer.)7) (Schienenweg) railway [track]* * *1. (Weg) way, path;Bahn frei! make way!, stand aside!; fig:die Bahn ist frei the road is clear;du hast freie Bahn it’s all yours;sich (dat)Bahn brechen (sich durchsetzen) win through; Idee etc: gain acceptance; (vorwärtskommen) forge ahead;einer Sache Bahn brechen pioneer sth, blaze the trail for sth;kommen go astray, stray off the straight and narrow;in die richtige(n) Bahn(en) lenken direct into the right channels;sich in den gewohnten Bahnen bewegen move along the same old track, be stuck in the same old rut pej; bewusst: keep to the well-trodden paths;wieder in geregelten Bahnen verlaufen be back to normal again;auf ähnlichen Bahnen along similar lines;bringen throw sb off track; seelisch etc: knock sb sidewaysmit der Bahn by train;Waren per Bahn schicken WIRTSCH send goods by rail;(mit der) Bahn fahren travel by train;jemanden zur Bahn bringen take sb to the station, see sb off (at the station);jemanden von der Bahn abholen (go and) meet sb at the station;in der Bahn on the train;ich setze mich einfach auf die Bahn und komme morgen umg I’ll just hop on a train and be with you tomorrowbei der Bahn arbeiten work for the railway (US railroad)4. (Fahrbahn) lane5. (Flugbahn) trajectory7. SPORT Anlage: (Rennbahn) track; (Eis-, Rollschuhbahn) rink; (Schlitten-, Bobbahn) run; (Kegelbahn) alley; für einzelne Läufer, Schwimmer etc: lane9. TECH, bei Amboss, Hammer, Hobel: face* * *die; Bahn, Bahneneiner Sache (Dat.) Bahn brechen — pave or prepare the way for something
jemanden aus der Bahn werfen od. bringen od. schleudern — knock somebody sideways
etwas [wieder] in die richtige Bahn lenken — (fig.) get something [back] on the right track
3) (Sport) track; (für Pferderennen) course (Brit.); track (Amer.); (für einzelne Teilnehmer) lane; (KegelBahn) alley; (SchlittenBahn, BobBahn) run; (BowlingBahn) laneBahn frei! — make way!; get out of the way!
4) (Fahrspur) lanejemanden zur Bahn bringen/an der Bahn abholen — take somebody to/pick somebody up from the station
6) (StraßenBahn) tram; streetcar (Amer.)7) (Schienenweg) railway [track]* * *-en f.alley n.course n.path n.pathway n.railway n.way n.
См. также в других словарях:
pave the way for something — phrase to create a situation that makes it possible or easier for something to happen The agreement will pave the way for restoring economic ties. Thesaurus: to make something possiblesynonym Main entry: pave … Useful english dictionary
pave the way for something or someone — pave the way for (something or someone) : to make it easier for something to happen or for someone to do something The discovery paves the way for the development of effective new treatments. • • • Main Entry: ↑pave … Useful english dictionary
pave the way for something — pave the way for (something) to be a preparation which will make it possible for something to happen in the future. Scientists hope that data from this expedition will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars … New idioms dictionary
pave the way for something — pave the way for (someone/something) to make it possible or easier for someone or something to follow. The procedure helped pave the way for successful open heart surgery using the heart lung machine. Related vocabulary: lay someone/something… … New idioms dictionary
pave the way (for something) — ˌpave the ˈway (for sb/sth) idiom to create a situation in which sb will be able to do sth or sth can happen • This decision paved the way for changes in employment rights for women. Main entry: ↑paveidiom … Useful english dictionary
pave the way for something — to create a situation that makes it possible or easier for something to happen The agreement will pave the way for restoring economic ties … English dictionary
pave the way for — (something) to be a preparation which will make it possible for something to happen in the future. Scientists hope that data from this expedition will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars … New idioms dictionary
pave the way for — PREPARE (THE WAY) FOR, make preparations for, get ready for, lay the foundations for, herald, precede. → pave * * * pave the way for 1. To prepare the way for 2. To make easier 3. To help to bring on • • • Main Entry: ↑pave * * * create the… … Useful english dictionary
pave the way for someone — pave the way for (someone/something) to make it possible or easier for someone or something to follow. The procedure helped pave the way for successful open heart surgery using the heart lung machine. Related vocabulary: lay someone/something… … New idioms dictionary
pave the way for — (someone/something) to make it possible or easier for someone or something to follow. The procedure helped pave the way for successful open heart surgery using the heart lung machine. Related vocabulary: lay someone/something open to something … New idioms dictionary
pave the way for sth — pave the way (for/to sth) ► to make it possible for someone to do something or for something to happen: »This merger will revolutionize the industry and pave the way for more international alliances. Main Entry: ↑pave … Financial and business terms